英语人>词典>英汉 : shad的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

shad [ʃæd]



Fish / 鱼 [140]

zebrafish  ·  thresher shark  ·  seabass  ·  moray eel  ·  manta ray  ·  Lemon shark  ·  Lanternfish  ·  Gulper Eel  ·  bluefin tuna  ·  Greenland shark

Ocean / 海洋 [142]

moray eel  ·  marine life  ·  manta ray  ·  humpback whale  ·  giant squid  ·  euphotic zone  ·  brittle star  ·  intertidal zone  ·  mako shark  ·  orca

更多 网络例句 与shad相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Anesthetic effects of MS-222, clove oil and benzocaine on American shad Alosa sapidissima fingerlings were studied and two-hour transportations of the shad were conducted at the optimal anesthetic concentration.

研究了MS-222、丁香油、苯唑卡因3种麻醉剂对美洲鲥Alosa sapidissima幼鱼的麻醉效果,并运用该3种麻醉剂的适宜剂量对美洲鲥幼鱼进行了运输试验。

The results showed that the American shad fingerlings stopped opercular movement less than half an hour after anesthetia when the fish were exposed to concentration of MS-222 at 75mg/L, clove oil at 20mg/L and bezocaine at 40mg/L. The fish recovered to normal behaviors again after exposed in air for less than 10min when transferred into fresh water. The shad fingerlings had good anaesthesia for more than 12h at 20-30mg MS-222/L, 8-10mg/L clove oil and 20-30mg/L benzocaine. The anesthetic effects were enhanced at high water temperature and changed with fish sizes. Small fish were more easily in good anaesthesia than the bigger one in MS-222 while the opposite case was found in clove oil and in benzocaine.

麻醉试验结果表明:在较高麻醉浓度(MS-222为75mg/L以上,丁香油为20mg/L以上,苯唑卡因为40mg/L以上)下,鱼很快(30min内)停止鳃盖张合运动,且停止鳃盖运动的鱼在空气中暴露一定时间(10min内)后也能够复苏;在适宜的麻醉浓度(Ms-222为20~30mg/L,丁香油为8~10mg/L;苯唑卡因为20~30mg/L)下,鱼能够进入麻醉状态,且能保持很长时间(12h);麻醉效果随着水温的升高而增强;在20mg/L MS-222麻醉剂下,小规格鱼较大规格鱼更容易进入麻醉状态,而在10mg/L丁香油和20mg/L苯唑卡因麻醉剂下,小规格鱼却难进入麻醉状态。

In1871, he defended Thomas McGehan who was accused of shooting one Tom Myers during a barroom brawl. Vallandigham's defense was that Myer shad accidentally shot himself while drawing his pistol from a kneeling position.

1871年,一男子Thomas McGehan被指控在酒吧间因争斗开枪杀死了另一名客人Tom Myers,而Vallandigham则为他辩护,声称死者是在跪着的姿势下拔枪误射中自己而死。

更多网络解释 与shad相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


顺潮而下的海鱼就被围堰拦在了海滩上. 尽管网捕法最有效,但是比较起来每年围堰捕捉的鱼数量更多. 围堰对于捕捉随季节游动的蛙鱼和西鲱鱼 (shad)尤其有效. 西北部海岸的印第安人以捕鱼为业,鲑鱼的捕捉主要依靠围堰法.

shad:鲥 鱼

我没吃过富春江里的鲥鱼,不知道与美国康乃狄克河里的鲥鱼(shad)相比是否有些不同. 从查到的中英文资料看,两种鱼模样很像,同属鲱科. 而且,这康河里的鲥鱼也是极鲜美的. 智利海鲈,原名巴塔哥尼亚齿鱼(Patagonian Toothfish),


MINNOW - 米诺... 鲦鱼型 | SHAD - 鲱鱼型 | CRANKBAIT - 摇摆型


DRED 无畏级战舰 | SHAD 黑鹰运输机m | SQD 乌贼

shad:abbr. shipboard hazard and defense; 舰只危险与防御工程

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