英语人>词典>英汉 : sexual reproduction的中文,翻译,解释,例句
sexual reproduction的中文,翻译,解释,例句

sexual reproduction

sexual reproduction的基本解释


更多网络例句与sexual reproduction相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of, relating to, or functioning in processes such as growth or nutrition rather than sexual reproduction.


Among financial organisms, there is no counterpart to the role of sexual reproduction.


Human reproduction and sexual intercourse between women and men were very closely linked in the past.


This is the webpage of Sexual Plant Reproduction Journal, which is published by Springer Link.

这是《植物有性繁殖》杂志的网页,由Springer Link出版社出版。

Union of sperm and egg in sexual reproduction.


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更多网络解释与sexual reproduction相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sexual reproduction:有性生殖

一般有两种方式,即无性生殖(asexual reproduction)及有性生殖(sexual reproduction). 无性生殖不产生配子,其经由复制、分裂后产生与母细胞相同的个体. 而有性生殖产生两种不同的配子,经由配子结合后产生新个体,有性生殖具有交换遗传物质的特性,

sexual reproduction:有性繁殖

菌落中心与边缘及正面与背面呈不同颜色. 丝状菌落的形态、结构和颜色可作为鉴别真菌的依据. 丝状菌培养后均形成丝状菌落. 真菌的繁殖能力较强,繁殖方式多样,可分为无性繁殖(asexual reproduction)和有性繁殖(sexual reproduction)两大类型.

sexual reproduction:[生物]有性生殖

main bang 主脉冲信号 | sexual reproduction [生物]有性生殖 | yogoite 等辉正长岩

sexual reproduction:磷脂

性腺:sexual gland | 磷脂:sexual reproduction | 阳萎:Sexual impotence

amphigony;sexual reproduction:两性生殖;有性生殖

"合子形成","amphigenesis" | "两性生殖;有性生殖","amphigony;sexual reproduction" | "两性融合,有性生殖,杂交","amphimixis; amphimixy"

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