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sense datum的中文,翻译,解释,例句

sense datum

sense datum的基本解释

[心]感觉材料, 经验因素

更多网络例句与sense datum相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So, for example, Strawson's argument that in order to reidentify particulars we must have an objectivity condition proceeds by refuting the sense datum hypothesis.


If a person does not warm, he will come to naught, and the passionate sense of responsibility datum.""


Of course one may argue that in refuting the sense datum hypothesis Strawson is only showing a problem intrinsic to it and not the "non-objectivity condition" in general.


But notice that the sense datum hypothesis is simply one version of the negation of the objectivity condition (the "non-objectivity condition").


A mental impression of something perceived by the senses, viewed as the basic component in the formation of concepts; a sense datum.

感知对某物通过感官得到的精神印象,被看做形成概念的基本构成部件;感觉证据7 |9 z# \。

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sense datum:感觉材料

在<<哲学问题>>中,罗素开头便以桌子为例,证明除了直接通过感官认识到的"感觉材料" (sense datum) 之外,几乎没有任何东西的存在可以确定. 我无法确知昨日之我便是今日之我,闭上眼睛阳光依然灿烂,旁人与我同样具有灵魂,