英语人>词典>英汉 : senator-elect的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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Democratic Senator-elect Al Franken has arrived in Washington, offering no jokes, just a promise that he is ready to get to work.

民主党推选的参议员Al Franken 已抵达华盛顿,这不是开玩笑的事,他只希望着手开始工作。

Democratic Senator-elect Al Franken has arrived in Washington, offering no jokes, just a promise that he is ready to get to work.

民主党参议员当选人Al Franken已经抵达华盛顿。他承诺,他已经作好开始工作的准备。

Democratic Senator-elect Al Franken has arrived in Washington, offering no jokes, just a promise that he is ready to get to work.

民主党参议员当选人Al Franken已经抵达华盛顿。他这次来不是闹着玩的,而是对其准备上任的一种保证。

We have spoken to Mr. Burris to let him know that he is now the Senator-designate from Illinois and as such, will beaccorded all the rights and privileges of a Senator-elect.


Democratic Senator-elect Al Franken has arrived in Washington, offering no jokes, just a promise that he is ready to get to work.

当选的民主党参议员Al Franken已经抵达华盛顿,这并非玩笑,而是他准备开始工作的一个承诺。

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更多网络解释与senator-elect相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Senator Allgood:阿尔古德参议员身上

You're putting all the blame|on the outgoing candidate,|你把所有责任都|推到友好的候选人 | Senator Allgood.|阿尔古德参议员身上 | ...I'm also talking about|the medical dictatorship|我在这说的还有阿尔古...

But you openly accuse|Senator Allgood:但是你公开指责|阿尔古德参议员

Let's go...|我们走吧 | ... But you openly accuse|Senator Allgood|但是你公开指责|阿尔古德参议员 | of manipulating public opinion.|操纵民意

JCI Senator Wong I Mun, Edmund:黄义满青商参议员

1991叶绍文青商参议员JCI Senator Ip Sio Man, Sunny | 1992黄义满青商参议员JCI Senator Wong I Mun, Edmund | 1993梁小牧青商参议员JCI Senator Leong Sio Mok, Melina