英语人>词典>英汉 : self-defense的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

self-defense [selfdi'fens]


自卫, 自卫术

  • He had struck her only in self-defense.
  • 他打她只是出于自卫。
Legal / 法律 [179]

summary judgment  ·  sidebar  ·  plea bargain  ·  hung jury  ·  family law  ·  constitutional law  ·  bar exam  ·  aid and abet  ·  voir dire  ·  probable cause

更多 网络例句 与self-defense相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This part details the situations whenself-defense is applied, defines individual and communal self-defense, expounds the abuse of self-defense in the international practice and its unlawfulness, probes the relationship between communal security mechanism and self-defense, and differentiate self-defense from retaliation.


In short, this explorative study for self-identity concept, theory and practice is for the purpose of (1) trying to unitarily understand self-identity concept, in turn to minutely examine the new development of self-identity theory, and to introduce self-identity theories and research methods in western psychology to domestic psychology in order to cause the interest of domestic psychologist to self-identity thesis; and (2) through the empirical study on self-identity of college student, revealing the meaning of self-identity to student development, and the personality characteristics of self-identity status of student, and the characteristics and influential factors of student self-identity development, and the relationship between student self-identity status and mental health condition in order to provide the measurement of empirical study and systematic study data for self-identity researches, in turn to provide basis of theory and method for setting up the theoretical model of Chinese students self-identity; and (3) making up the gaps in empirical researches on self-identity in domestic psychology, opening up a new research domain in colleges and universities student psychology, and enrich the theory on student development researches.


In order to draw a photorealistic surface, Bidirectional Texture Functions, a 6D texture function which extends Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function to include the self-shadowing, self-occlusion and inter-reflection effects, has been mentioned frequently in recent years. Its main drawback is its massive data size. To solve this, Spatial Bidirectional Reflectance Function techniques compress BTFs into reflectance model parameters. However, SBRDF cannot producethe self-shadowing and self-occlusion effects in real-world surface geometry. This work is aimed to this drawback. I find how self-shadowing and self-occlusion affect the surface by additional physical-based analysis. And I rely on two physical phenomena to divide self-shadowing and self-occlusion into two independent effects. First, self-shadowing is view independent. Second, self-occlusion is independent of lighting direction changes. After these analyses, I use SBRDF and additional self-shadowing and self-occlusion I found to render a photorealistic surface as non-compressed BTFs doing.

为了把物体表面呈现的更真实,六维函数BTFs ( Bidirectional Texture Functions)目前已经被使用的相当频繁,但BTFs的资料量实在太大而没办法直接使用,为了解决资料庞大的问题,传统的SBRDF以逼近光反射模型参数,来达到资料压缩的效果,但是SBRDF对於表面的凹凸所产生的阴影及遮蔽,不能达到逼真的呈现,为了改善这个问题,我们选择从物理方面,找出资料中阴影和遮蔽等属於表面几何的资料并去除,使参数更正确,同时利用两个物理现象去区分阴影及遮蔽为两个互不干涉资料,第一是阴影不会因视角不同而改变,第二是遮蔽不因光线方向不同而改变,经过这些分析,我可以利用SBRDF加上附加的阴影及遮蔽两种独立的效应,来达到彷佛跟未压缩过的BTFs一样的真实绘图。

更多网络解释 与self-defense相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


辩护律师指出将从"自卫"(self defense)杀人的角度为被告做"无罪"(not guilty)抗辩,并表示继子曾吉来美加剧了家庭矛盾. 该案下次开庭定于9月14日,并将转移到洛杉矶市中心的刑事法庭. 今年7月26日(周日)凌晨,


这就是美国的自我防卫(self defense). 美国并为以色列的行动称作为是在中东争取自由民主的行动. 美国当初给伊拉克一个self defense的机会吗?伊拉克,朝鲜,伊朗这三个国家是被美国列为邪恶轴心国(evil axis)的国家. 其中,伊拉克已经被拿下了,


4.1)现场汇报(PPT)彩排会员座位编排:依照跆拳道腰带等级颜色(Belt Level)就坐4.1)现场汇报(PPT)彩排–学会汇报形式:PPT形式和现场示范、表演自卫术(Self Defense)–座位:依照跆拳道腰带等级颜色(Belt Level)就坐出拳(Punch)练习4)经过上次的晋级考试后,


自诉案件 private-prosecuting case | 自行辩护 self-defense | 自由心证制度 doctrine of discretional evaluation of evidence

unjustifiable self-defense:防卫过当

贩卖毒品罪 drug offense; crime of drug trafficking | 防卫过当 unjustifiable self-defense | 防卫挑拨 instigation of defense; provocation of defense

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