英语人>词典>英汉 : seed的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词,相关词组,拼写相似词汇

seed [si:d]

名词复数:[seeds]  第三人称单数:[seeds]  动词过去式:[seeded]  过去分词:[seeded]  现在分词:[seeding]  

种子, 萌芽, 子孙, 精液, 籽

  • He was cursed for sowing seeds of discord among his friends.
  • 他因在朋友中挑拨离间而被人咒骂。
  • She planted the seeds of virtue in her children when they were young.
  • 孩子们小的时侯,她就在他们心田里播下了道德的种子。

播种, 结实, 成熟, 去...籽

  • Tony was seeded number two.
  • 汤尼被定为第二号种子选手。
  • The fields have been seeded with corn.
  • 田里播种了玉米。

播种, 结实, (植物)结实

  • This flower seeds in the fall.
  • 这花秋天结实。
v. sow
n. source · germ
in seed:在结籽中; 在结籽期
Plant / 植物 [187]

vascular plant  ·  terminal bud  ·  simple leaf  ·  sea weed  ·  sage brush  ·  petrified wood  ·  opposite leaves  ·  lateral bud  ·  lanceolate leaf  ·  incomplete flower

更多 网络例句 与seed相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results show:(1) After soybean seed is treated with seed coating, The length of lateral root anlage Initiating area obviously increases in contrast with control (seed which is not coated with agent is regarded as control; shortened form is CK).The order is from greatness to smallness in turn as follow: HK>ND>CK.(2) Initiating progress of lateral root anlage is quickened when seed is treated with seed coating. General trend is as follow: HK>ND>CK. By variance analysis, treatment and control has obvious difference.(3) Initating status of lateral root anlage is definite related with contents of endogenous hormone. Occurring of lateral root is as the result of some endogenous hormone corresponded and playing manysided role, especially IAA plays important role in the cause of inducing to occurring of lateral root anlage.(4) The use of seed coating may elevate the number of lateral root anlage occurring and shorten the time of lateral root anlage occurring, especially the effect of Chemical control seed coating is better.


Seed was stored in a storage temperature, the galactose content of seed decreases as the seed moisture content decrease. However, the glucose, fructose, sucrose and raffinose content of seed increase as the seed moisture content decreases, but this kind of change is not clear if seed was stored at lower temperatures ranges from 20℃ to -18℃.


The mutagenicity of seed powder and seed oil of transgenic CryIA cotton to mammals and fish was evaluated in this study. The raw cotton seed powder or seed oil was mixed into mice and fish's diet. Cyclophosphamide and NaF were used as positive controls respectively. Regular cotton seed powder and seed oil were used as negative controls. The micronucleus frequency in mice bone marrow polychromatic erythrocytes and in eripheral erythrocytes of Zebrafish were assayed in this study. The sperm malformation rate in mice was also investigated.

摘 要:分别以环磷酰胺和氟化钠作为阳性诱变剂,以普通棉的棉籽粉及棉籽油作为对照物,同时设阴性对照组,以成年封闭群昆明种雄性小鼠和斑马鱼为实验材料,将棉籽粉或棉籽油掺入饲料中饲喂小鼠或斑马鱼,检测小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞(Polychromatic erythrocytes, PCE)微核率(Micronucleus frequency, MN‰)和精子畸变率,以及斑马鱼外周血红细胞微核率。

更多网络解释 与seed相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




渐入(grow for)和淡出(fade for)即为粒子大小从0到正常值的帧数以及从正常值到0的帧数,一般渐入(grow for)值设为0,淡出(fade for)值根据需要设为0~10之间;唯一值(Uniqueness)中种子数(seed)可产生随机数值,使


然后再选择不同的随机数(SEED)来获得自己最如意的效果. 请记住,多一次NOISE,多十分真实! 8)再用放样的办法给梨子加个梗. 就是一条稍有弯曲的线段当路径,一个圆圈做剖面,放样后到修改面板中把DEFORMATION(变形)中的SCALE(放缩)打开,


(i美股讯)5月28日周五,奥瑞金种业 (SEED)大幅高开5.07%,开盘后继续放量上涨,截至美国东部时间10:16该股报9.57美元,涨幅达18.24%. 此前,据外媒报道,该公司将其在中国南部一家生产棉花种子的公司--Biocentury Transgene中的34%的股权,

seed:abbr. self-electrooptic-effect-devices; 自电光效应器件

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