英语人>词典>英汉 : secluding的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[变形] seclude的现在分词


使隔离, 使孤立, 隔开

更多网络例句与secluding相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The operation of appendicitis perforation with diffuse peritonitis by McBurney incisions had the merit of little scar, secluding, slight pain, fast recovery and fewer incidence rate of pulmonary infection, incisions infectious, incisional hernia, as long as master, So, the operation of treatment appendicitis perforation with diffuse peritonitis by McBurney was much better than by righ middle abdomen paramedian incisions.


Results The operation of treatment appendicitis perforation with diffuse peritonitis by McBurney incisions whose incisions pain disappeared quickly, intestine function recoveried fast, length of stay was short, scar was little and secluding, the complication of abdominal cavitywas residual abscess was only 0.7% higher than operation by righ middle abdomen paramedian incisions, but incisions infectious rate reduced 2.19%, pulmonary infection and pulmonary atelectasis decreased 1.50%, incisional hernia incidence rate cut down 1.50%, adhesion of intestine after operation was no difference between two groups.

结果 经麦氏切口手术治疗阑尾炎穿孔合并弥漫性腹膜炎组切口痛消失时间短,肠功能恢复快,住院时间短,疤痕小且隐蔽,在并发症中腹腔残余脓肿发生率较经右中腹旁正中切口仅高出0.70%,术后发生肠粘连无差异;而较经右中腹旁正中切口,感染率降低2.19%,肺部感染、肺不张发生率降低1.50%,切口疝发生率降低1.50%。

The act of secluding yourself from others.


From the day becoming SCI patients, most of us have never been out from homes and have been secluding from the world . What is then the meaning of this life? This life has no meaning for us instead of waiting for death.


The development of the Pre-Qin history of seclusion culture to Qu and Song goes through an important change, that is, the first actual emergence of secluding scholars' dual choice.


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