英语人>词典>英汉 : seawater的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

seawater ['si:,wɔtə]



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The results indicate seawater concentration has no effect on absorbency, pH, relative density, dry matter and water contents in Aloe vera leaves. While, seawater stress causes increased MDA and membrane penetration, decreased phytochroms, prolines and NO_3~--N. It is beneficial to plant growth when irrigation was done with 10% seawater, because of higher ratio of K~+/Na~+ and lower ratio of Na~+/Ca~(2+). In addition, the polysaccharide contents in Aloe vera leaves increase twice and triplication under 25% and 50% seawater irrigation respectively, the barbaloin contents increase over triplication in var. 75% seawater and over twice in var. 50% seawater and var. 100% seawater. However, when seawater concentration exceeds 25% the growth of plant was inhibited, biomass decreased, flowering time was deferred, Ca~(2+) content decreased caused by Na~+ accumulation in leaves.


Along with seawater stress strength upward, the ratio of root to shoot, Na+, Cl- and soluble sugar contents were increased significantly. Under the 10% and 20% seawater treatments, chlorophyll contents have no obvious difference compared with the control, but significantly decreased when the seawater stress further increased. Under the 10% seawater treatments, K+ contents in the shoot and root of Lactuca indica seedlings have no distinct difference compared with the control, but along with seawater stress strength upward, K+ content were markedly decreased by degrees. However, soluble protein content first increased then decreased with seawater concentration augment.


The severe seawater intrusion exists in certain eel farming factories within Changle, Fuzhou, in certain prawn farm within Jiuzhen county, Zhangzhou, and in certain saltern within Xiuyu district, Putian, all belonging to seawater intrusion in human activity areas. The maximum concentration of Cl and mineralization within those severe intrusion areas are 5629.00 mg/L and 33.16 g/L respectively. The slight seawater intrusion is monitored in Quangang district, Quanzhou, where natural conditions are kept. No seawater intrusion is monitored in Dongchong peninsula, Ningde. No soil salinization is monitored except Zhangzhou where the sand is slightly salinized.

在福州长乐市近岸某鳗鱼养殖片区、漳州漳浦县近岸某对虾养殖片区、莆田市秀屿区某盐田附近监测到严重海水入侵,均属人类开发活动影响区域内的海水入侵,严重入侵区域氯度最高达5629.00 mg/L,矿化度最高达33.16 g/L;在泉州市泉港区某自然村监测到轻度入侵,属自然状态下的海水入侵;在宁德东冲半岛外浒沙滩附近未监测到海水入侵;在漳州断面监测到土壤盐渍化,为轻度盐渍化土,其他断面为非土壤盐渍化土。

更多网络解释 与seawater相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Arctic的冰山产地, Titanic的出事原因 )海水的化学成分与其化学过程:先谈到一个错误的观念:海水(seawater)的化学成分是陆地流进海里的[basic water]中得来的.提出辩驳这个错误观念的证据是:两种水的化学成分不同.后来说明了,


regulation technology 大电网安全和调控技术 | seawater 海水化学耗氧量测定系统 | supply networks 电力电网中的低频骚扰抗扰度试验


Search 服务、伺服 | Seawater 厂用电 | Second 伺服电机


bimetallic thermometer,双金属温度计 | seawater,海水生化需氧量测定仪 | biochemical quantity transducer,生化量传感器

artificial seawater:人工海水

artificial intelligence,人工智能 | artificial seawater,人工海水 | ash fusion point determination meter,异步通信接口适配器

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