英语人>词典>英汉 : search coil的中文,翻译,解释,例句
search coil的中文,翻译,解释,例句

search coil

search coil的基本解释

[化] 探察线圈

更多网络例句与search coil相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chinese-English Dictionary with the n word search coil cool how to say in English, coiled English translation, spelling, usage, idioms, listen and so on.


One JFET oscillator working with the search coil operates around 494 KHZ.


Results The optimized results of two and three foci showed that this hybrid genetic algorithm had very good search property.And this coil array had the capability to produce field distribution approaching the specified field with the help of the enhanced algorithm.

结果 给出了两点刺激和三点刺激的优化结果,结果表明这种混合遗传算法具有很好的全局和局部搜索特性,在优化算法的优化下,交叉型线圈阵列可以有效逼近指定的感应电场分布。

As metal is brought near the search coil… the frequency shifts a bit, producing an audible frequency shift that can be heard in the earphones.


AUTO GROUND: Automatic ground balance - raise search coil off ground, press the AUTO GROUND button, lower the coil to the ground, and release the button for precision auto-balancing.


更多网络解释与search coil相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

search coil:搜索线圈

除加压主线圈(Main Coil)外,还设计进行磁束监控的搜索线圈(Search Coil). 比如,在多年使用后离合器间隙发生变化时,为了获得想要达到的扭矩而对电流进行控制. 主线圈素线断面呈六角形,是在圆截面素线绕制之后经挤压而成.

search coil:测量线圈

sealed triple point cell 密封三相点容器 | search coil 测量线圈 | search technique 搜索技术

search coil:探察线圈

search 查勘 | search coil 探察线圈 | second mining 二次回采

search coil:控制线圈

开环 open-cycle | 控制线圈 search coil | 控制作用 control action

axial search coil:轴向探察线图

axial field 轴向场 | axial search coil 轴向探察线图 | axis 轴

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