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sea scorpion的中文,翻译,解释,例句

sea scorpion

sea scorpion的基本解释

长棘杜父鱼(Taurulus bubalis), 宽鳍类(Eurypterygii)鱼, 杜父鱼科(Cottidae)鱼

更多网络例句与sea scorpion相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Giant Sea Scorpion Discovered; Was Bigger Than a Man


Swimming in the open sea can be fun, but do watch out for stonefish, sea urchins, scorpion fish and sharp rocks.

在户外海洋游泳是件极有趣的事,不仅可以观鱼、海洋生物、scorpion fish 和 sharp rocks。。

Paleontologists discovered a giant fossilized claw that once belonged to an 2.5 meter (8 foot) long sea scorpion.


We all know about the size of dinosaurs, of course, but how about a rodent the size of a bull, a sea scorpion bigger than a man, a frog as large as a beach ball, a penguin the size of a small adult human, a 1,000-pound ground-sloth-like marsupial, and a shark that may have grown longer than 50 feet and weighed up to 30 times more than the largest modern great white?


The sea scorpion Jaekelopterus rhenaniae , nicknamed "Jake", is thought to have lived 390 million years ago and, given this claw is about half a metre long, is estimated to have been around 2.5 m long – almost half a metre longer than previous estimates and the largest ever to have evolved.

导读英国和德国科研人员在德国西部,发现一种远古海洋蝎子的化石,相信它们有2.5米长,比一般成人还要高。这种名为"Jaekelopterus rhenaniae"的海蝎子生活在4亿6000年至2亿5500年前,单单是爪子就有46厘米长。它们原本在靠近沿岸的温暖海水中活动,后来转移到淡水生活。

更多网络解释与sea scorpion相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sea Scorpion:海蠍

这块古动物化石是由一名业余化石猎人纽曼在苏格兰考伊港的海滩发现,该处以遍布节足动物化石闻名,经常发现海蝎(sea scorpion)等史前化石.

Sea Scorpion:海蝎艇

Planning course 安排航线中 | Sea Scorpion 海蝎艇 | The water's warm, yes? 水真暖和 不是么