英语人>词典>英汉 : sea eel的中文,翻译,解释,例句
sea eel的中文,翻译,解释,例句

sea eel

sea eel的基本解释


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The products exported to Japan are roasted eel, octopus slice, sea eel, red pogy fillet and slice, seabass fillet and slice, sushi shrimp, PD shrimp, flying fish egg, seashell and so on.


The discovery caused a sensation, people associate the sea eel like live animals, but also did not express any doubt.


Company is specialized in freshwater lobster series and also produces frozen fish, sea eel, small and yellow fish, etc.


Eel born among sea, want and visit and go to ten thousand li mouth multiply later generation every year, It is very arduous that they live.


The market's clamorous labyrinth of stalls showcases all manner of seafood—from live sea eel to pickled octopus—and reflects the well-ordered confusion of Japanese society.


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更多网络解释与sea eel相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

pike; sea eel:海鳗

pike eel; silver piko-eel 灰海鳗 | pike; sea eel 海鳗 | pilot whale 逆戟鲸

Sea eel and pig rabbit song:海鳗和猪兔子歌

19. Shy Jeremy photoshoot 害羞的Jermy的拍照 | 20. Bare foot Yoo Heyi Uee的美腿 | 21. Sea eel and pig rabbit song 海鳗和猪兔子歌

sea eel:鳗鱼

globe fish 河豚鱼 | sea eel 鳗鱼 | shark 鲨鱼

sea eel:海鳗鱼

salmon bone 三文鱼骨扒 | sea eel 海鳗鱼 | cod 银鳕鱼

sea eel:海鳗

○ 带鱼 HAIR TAIL | ○ 海鳗 SEA EEL | ○ 玉筋鱼 SAND LANCE

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