英语人>词典>英汉 : scrips的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇



便条( scrip的名词复数 ), 纸条, 纸片, 临时凭证

更多网络例句与scrips相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Liberty and civilization are only the scrips of power which are heisted from the rich and the schoolars.


RT comes with many standard scrips, and you can define your own.

RT 带有很多标准的 scrips,并且您可以定义您自己的。

Perfect motive for him to forge those scrips.


This relaxation will make the scrips more marketable and provide better liquidity for exporters.


These duty-free credits are issued as scrips that are freely transferable and are traded by exporters like currency.


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更多网络解释与scrips相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

scrips:abbr. service center recognition/image processing system; 服务中心识别/图像处理系统

SCRIPS SourceCallRouter:源呼叫路由器

SourceAddressBus 源地址总线 | SARA SourceAddressRegister 源地址寄存器 | SCRIPS SourceCallRouter 源呼叫路由器

Bearer scrips:持有人凭证

Bearer bond 不记名债券(流通债券) | Bearer scrips 持有人凭证 | Debenture payable to bearer 不记名信用债券

SCRIPS Service Center Recognition / Image Processing System:服务中心识别 / 图像处理系统

SCR System Clock Reference 系统时钟基准 | SCRIPS Service Center Recognition / Image Processing System 服务中心识别 / 图像处理系统 | SCRN SCReeN 荧光屏,屏幕

Perfect motive for him to forge those scrips:这是他伪造处方的最好动机

Patients build up a tolerance over the years.|病... | Perfect motive for him to forge those scrips.|这是他伪造处方的最好动机 | - I still don't have an answer. - What, are we, like,role playing?|- 你还是...

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