英语人>词典>英汉 : scrabble up的中文,翻译,解释,例句
scrabble up的中文,翻译,解释,例句

scrabble up

scrabble up的基本解释


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Jo's desk up here was an old tin kitchen which hung against the wall. It it she kept her papers, and a few books, safely shut away from Scrabble, who, being likewise of a literary turn, was fond of making a circulating library of such books as were left in his way by eating the leaves.


More useful as a game-winning Scrabble word than as part of the anatomy, the coccyx or tailbone, is made up of several fused vertebrae left over from the olden days when we had tails.

尾椎骨:与其说他是从人体解剖结构中被大家所认知不如说是在玩填字游戏时被人用到更准确一些(它的拼写很别扭: coccyx )。

Nevertheless, we packed up our old PC, complete with Scrabble, euchre and word-processing programs, and delivered it to my parents home in Niagara Falls, Ont.


更多网络解释与scrabble up相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


scrabble up 拼凑成 | scrabble 乱写 | scrag 骨瘦如柴的人

scrabble for:争夺

scrabble about for 到处摸索 | scrabble for 争夺 | scrabble up 拼凑成

scrabble up:拼凑成

scrabble for 争夺 | scrabble up 拼凑成 | scrabble 乱写