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Aerodynamic Numerical Simulation , based on Computational Fluid Dynamics , is one of the typical sci...


Diabetes is one of the significant factors for SCI.


I would like to get SCI treatable fast.


This may be the main cause of infections in the late stage of SCI.


OBJECTIVE: To establish a stable animal model of acute complete SCI in rats.


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China Adademy of Sci.,CCAP:中科院农业政策研究中心

厦门大学 Xiamen Univ 12 18 5.32 19 13.... | 中科院农业政策研究中心 China Adademy of Sci.,CCAP 23 13 8.95 14 15.48 14 163.85 13 285.44 15 18.31 7 1.73 20 0.39 23 | 浙江大学 Zhejiang Univ 16 15 9.83 13 1...

Anhui Univ.Tech. &Sci. P:安徽理工大学

学校 Institution A B C | 安徽理工大学 Anhui Univ.Tech. &Sci. P | 安徽大学 Anhui University HPPP P

Natl. Acad. Sci. USA:双周

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 美国国家科学院院报 Proc | . Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 双周 | Protein Science 蛋白质科学 Protein Sci

Shanghai Youth Centre Sci. HP P:上海青年科技中心

上海大学 Shanghai University PPP H | 上海青年科技中心 Shanghai Youth Centre Sci. HP P | 绍兴文理学院 Shaoxing university PP HH

Chung-Shan Institute of Sci. and Tech:中山科學研究院

Taipei Cultural Center 臺北社教館 | Chung-Shan Institute of Sci. and Tech. 中山科學研究院 | Allianz Insurance 安聯人壽

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