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[医] 阶
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In 4 cases, the cavities were full of perilymph. We could find that the cavity was irregularly round-shaped, about 6.5 mm in diameter, with thin mucosa adhere to the cavity wall. In the center area, around the internal acoustic meatus fundus, there was a horseshoe- shaped cystic structure about 3 mm3, which was a combined structure of the saccule, utricle and scala media. In 1 case, there was little perilymph in the cavity, with about 1.5 mm thick soft tissue and granulation adhere to the wall. The saccule, utricle and scala media were not recognizable.
结果 对5例患者进行共同腔内耳蜗内镜检查,见4例腔内充满液体,吸出后腔壁有扉薄黏膜附着,腔呈不规则圆形,直径平均约为6.5 mm,中央区贴近内听道底部位见马蹄形或肾形囊腔,约 3 mm3大小,为内耳球囊、椭圆囊和中阶畸形融合的结构;1例腔内淋巴液较少,共同腔壁附着软组织和肉芽,约1.5 mm厚,无法将腔壁上的软组织与中阶、球囊、椭圆囊的结构区分。
Methods Ten mature Wistar rats were divided into normal control group (5 rats) and adenovirus (E1, E3-Deleted and carried math1 and enhanced green fluorescent protein report gene, Ad-Math1-EGFP) scala vestibuli transfer group (5 rats). Right ears of the Ad-Math1-EGFP transfering group rats were deliveried 5μl Ad-Math1-EGFP (physical tite 2.1×10^11v.p./ml) into cochleas through the way of drilling scala vestibuli of cochlear basal turn. As a control, the normal group received nothing to inner ear. In order to estimate functional condition of vestibule and cochlea, the click-evoked potentials on the surface of the cervical dura mater, auditory brain stem response and swimming time were recorded in all rats at 7 days after treatment, and then histologic and morphologic observation were carried out after animals were sacrificed. Results All animals' morphologic observation showed that inner ear hair cells were normal after transfer.
将10只成年Wistar大鼠分为正常对照组和缺失E1、E3基因片段且构建有Math1基因和绿色荧光蛋白报告基因的复制缺陷型腺病毒(adenovirus-Math1-enhanced green fluorescence protein, Ad-Math1-EGFP)前庭阶导入组,每组5只,实验组大鼠在右耳通过耳蜗底回前庭阶打孔的方法导入物理滴度为2.1×10^11v.p/ml的上述腺病毒5μl,对照组大鼠不做任何处理。7天后对动物进行颈髓硬膜外短声诱发电位(click-evoked potentials on the surface of the cervical dura mater, CDM-CEP)、听性脑干反应阈值检测和游泳试验,评价前庭和耳蜗功能,然后将动物处死进行组织形态学观察。
Reached the station from Via Alamanni, continue until the large square of the station and then turn right at the traffic light into Via della Scala, after about 50 metres the number 48 you will find our bed and breakfast.
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scala tympani:鼓阶
从骨螺旋板外缘有二薄膜连接骨蜗管外壁,与螺旋板平行延伸的薄膜名基底膜(basilar membrane),又称Reissner氏膜,因此,骨蜗管便被基底膜和前庭膜分隔成前庭阶(scala vestibuli),鼓阶(scala tympani)和蜗牛管三个管道.
scala tympani:鼓室阶
植入之方式是在全身麻醉下,於已剥除毛发的耳后作一皮肤切口,藉由乳突切开(mastoidectomy),由后方进入中耳腔(posterior tympanotomy),将电极经圆窗上方施行耳蜗造口术(cochleotomy)植入耳蜗之鼓室阶(scala tympani)内,接收器的部分则放置於颞骨上磨出之凹槽内,
scala tympani:耳蜗鼓室道
疥癣 scabies | 耳蜗鼓室道 scala tympani | 耳蜗前庭道 scala vestibuli
scala tympani:鼓阶,鼓室道(耳蜗)
\\"阶道\\",\\"scala\\" | \\"鼓阶,鼓室道(耳蜗)\\",\\"scala tympani\\" | \\"前庭阶,前庭道(耳蜗)\\",\\"scala vestibuli\\"
59 彩虹、草地、蓝天、白云----Rainstick Orchestra | 60 一反常规的Scala | 61 来自波兰的温暖牌毛衣----Skalpel
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