英语人>词典>英汉 : salary deduction的中文,翻译,解释,例句
salary deduction的中文,翻译,解释,例句

salary deduction

salary deduction的基本解释

罚薪, 奖薪

更多网络例句与salary deduction相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There are owned by, I leave the wage base salary deduction allowances after the settlement construction.


We wouldn't be able to afford the salary deduction if we stayed longer.


Because of being late, Xiao Zhang got a deduction from his salary.


Today is the wages of the day, due to his early departure, the boss gave him some salary deduction, he was not very happy to go home glum look.


The employees are immediately 100% vested with their own salary deduction tax deferred contributions.


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更多网络解释与salary deduction相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

salary deduction:罚薪

severance pay 解雇费 | salary deduction 罚薪 | casual leave 事假

salary deduction:罚薪,casual leave 事假

severance pay 解雇费 | salary deduction 罚薪,casual leave 事假 | endowment insurance 养老保险

salary deduction:罚薪(编辑:雨巷)

take-home pay (税后)净薪 | release pay 遣散费 | salary deduction 罚薪(编辑:雨巷)

salary deduction:罚薪 XrY中国英语学习网

severance pay 解雇费 XrY中国英语学习网 | salary deduction 罚薪 XrY中国英语学习网 | casual leave 事假 XrY中国英语学习网

monetary penalty; deduction of salary:罰薪政治人事

55449罰踢運動橄欖球penalty kick | 55450罰薪政治人事monetary penalty; deduction of salary | 55451罰鍰法律開庭fine