英语人>词典>英汉 : run at the mouth的中文,翻译,解释,例句
run at the mouth的中文,翻译,解释,例句

run at the mouth

run at the mouth的基本解释


更多网络例句与run at the mouth相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Since this is often the opening question in an interview, be extracareful that you don't run off at the mouth.


Tell me about yourself.Since this is often the opening question in an interview, be extracareful that you don't run off at the mouth.


Tell me about yourself.Since this is often the opening question in an interview, be extracareful that you don't run off at the mouth. Keep your answer to a minute or two at most.


It tastes delicious , and makes one run at the mouth


Huabei didn't used to get this angry when we lived by the Ertix River, and neither did he run off at the mouth so badly.


更多网络解释与run at the mouth相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

run at the mouth:流口水

put the mouth on sb. 用赞扬话使某人的行动归于失败 | run at the mouth 流口水 | sb.'s mouth is made up for 某人极想吃..., 某人极想得到...

run off at the mouth:滔滔不绝地淡论,没完没了

mouth off傲慢无礼,顶嘴 | run off at the mouth滔滔不绝地淡论,没完没了 | shoot off one's mouth随便乱说,信口开河

run off at the mouth:信口开河

run mountains high 汹涌澎湃 | run off at the mouth 信口开河 | run off 逃跑

run off at the mouth:说的太多(指不适当)

Get one's feet wet.初次涉足某事 | Run off at the mouth.说的太多(指不适当) | Shame on you.(=shame!for shame!You ought to be shammed.真丢脸

run off at the mouth:[俚语]多嘴多舌;夸夸其谈;信口开河

47. run its course 按通常方式发展;(病)痊愈 | 48. run off at the mouth [俚语]多嘴多舌;夸夸其谈;信口开河 | 49. run off one's feet 使忙得要命

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