rule [ru:l]
- rule的基本解释
规则, 统治, 控制, 支配, 规律, 标准, 章程, 破折号, 惯例
- He was a prisoner on rule.
- 他是居于特殊犯人区的犯人。
- He's made it a rule to rise early.
- 他已养成早起的习惯。
统治, 规定, 支配, 裁决
- The queen ruled her country for 20 years.
- 这位女王统治了她的国家二十年。
- He ruled a line under his name.
- 他在他的名字下划了一道直线。
统治, 管辖, 裁定, 裁决
- The court ruled in her favor.
- 法庭判她胜诉。
- 相似词
- rule的同义词
- v. direct · lead · regulate · order · instruct · decree · influence · control · dominate · command · govern · head · guide · mark off · reign · measure · dictate · prevail · supervise · manage · administer
- n. principle · formula
- rule的反义词
- n. exception
- 与rule相关的词组
- rule out:划去, 排除, 取消
- rule off:划线隔开
- as a rule:通常, 一般说来
- be ruled by:受...影响, 受支配
- rule of thumb:n. 单凭经验的方法
- by rule:按照规则地, 墨守成规地
- by rule and line:准确地
- 更多 网络例句 与rule相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Third, the analysis to the content and constitute of the rule of efficient criminal evidence in China. The material contents of the rule of criminal evidence in national law include three parts: the rule of achieving evidence and the rule of providing evidence and the rule of affirming evidence. In this part, through the assay of the content and composing of the rule of criminal evidence, the penman expounds the shortage of current law in China.
Skopos rule, coherence rule and loyalty rule are translation principles, with skopos rule being the top-rank principle, coherence rule and loyalty rule subordinate to it.
Decision rule chain and distance function of decision rule are proposed, by which the order of decision rules are explained. The group scale's effect on decision quality and the marginal contribution of decision-makers are analyzed. It's pointed out that the increase of the scale will enhance the decision quality with the optimal decision rule applied. Otherwise it is likely to weaken the decision quality. It's proved that for homogeneous group with simple majority rule applied the marginal contribution of decision-maker will decrease while the scale increases or the decisional competencies of other decision-makers increase; 3.We study the group decision-making with a leader in it. It's proved that the existence of the leader impairs the decision quality when the group applies the optimal decision rule.
研究了决策者的决策能力不确定情况下的群体决策,给出了最优决策规则,指出其仍然是广义加权多数规则;提出了决策规则链和决策规则距离函数的概念,利用这些概念解释了群体决策规则的序现象;分析了群体规模对决策质量的影响、决策者决策能力的边际贡献,指出当群体应用最优规则时,群体规模的增大会提高决策质量,否则群体规模的增大可能会削弱决策质量;证明了对于应用简单多数规则的同质群体,随着其规模的增大,决策者决策能力对决策质量的边际贡献会减小;随着其他决策者决策能力的提高,决策者决策能力对决策质量的边际贡献也会减小; 3。
- 更多网络解释 与rule相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Netfilter 是 Linux 核心中一个通用架构,它提供了一系列的 "表"(tables),每个表由若干 "链"(chains)组成,而每条链中可以有一条或数条 "规则"(rule)组成.
他们只接受"白纸黑字"(Black and White)的"证据"(Evidence),一切按"规定"(Rule),及遵循所定的"规则"(Regulation)去处理事情. 因此在赴美问题上,我们必须入境随俗,一定要去了解与其有关的法律规定和知识,按则办事,
值得注意的是mapinfo有几个非模态窗口,包括信息(info)窗口、标尺(rule)窗口、消息(message)窗口和统计(statistics)窗口. 如果要重父化这些特殊的浮动窗口,就要使用mapbasic的set window...parent语句.
一,我们先来看"人民"(the people)这个概念具有什么样的条件:二,"统治"(rule)的含义也引出不少疑问:三,"由......统治"(rule dy)具有服从的义务吗?a,古代雅典的古典民主(classical democracy)思想. b,
rule:abbr. and rule; 可以被翻译为
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