英语人>词典>英汉 : river-borne的中文,翻译,解释,例句



河水随带的, 河流的

更多网络例句与river-borne相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the former seabed immediately south of the emerging Himalayas, plate movement created a vast trough , which, having gradually been filled with river-borne sediment,[68] now forms the Indo-Gangetic Plain .


The growth has come despite continuing stifling bureaucracy surrounding river-borne traffic and near-monopolies held by state-owned barge operators on many stretches.


Reports and data provided include: downloadable annotated reports with data relating to the water quality (including trace metal concentrations) of the Forth Estuary between the years 1980-99, water quality standards for various coastal stretches in East Scotland, water quality classification schemes and resultant data (excellent - poor) for rivers, estuaries and coastal waters, bathing water data (1998 - 2001), SEPA indicator measurements for surface water quality, and a national archive of water quality data taken from 230 sites around Scotland which is used to estimate the river-borne input of selected contaminants to the sea and investigate long-term trends in main determinands.


更多网络解释与river-borne相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

river-borne:河流的; 河流带来的; 河水随带的

river records河情记录;水情记录 | river-borne河流的;河流带来的;河水随带的 | running water活水;自来水;长流水

river-borne material:河流搬运物质,河流挟带物

river-bed variation ==> 河床变化 | river-borne material ==> 河流搬运物质,河流挟带物 | river-crossing facility ==> 跨河设施