richness ['ritʃnis]
- richness的基本解释
富裕, 丰富, 肥沃
- For all its richness and all its progress, it is not an ideal society.
- 尽管它很富有,也很进步,但它不是一个理想的社会。
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Species richness and Pielou evenness index were used to measure species diversity. Species richness in polluted area was 32-67, while in control area it was 47-82. Pielou evenness index of tree layer was 0.1161-0.8509, while those of shrub layer and herb layer were 0.1763-0.3249 and 0.0443-0.2601, respectively. The results showed that both species richness and Pielou evenness index were influenced by the point source pollution. Species importance values showed significant differences between polluted area and control area. Dominance of different species had changed, and some species even disappeared under the pressure of pollution, indicating a process of species replacement in plant communities. Such species replacement can provide a scientific basis for species selection for restoration of human-damaged ecosystem. The natural regeneration of Quercus variabilis was insensitive to pollution, while Cupressus funebris was effected seriously.
The results showed:(1)Nitrogen addition changed the soil physical and chemical properties, enhancing the content of NO3—- N available resources in the soil, increasing the plants height and cover, reducing the vegetation light penetration. With increasing of N addition, both the species richness and the diversity decrease sharply (P 0.001).(2)N addition increased the aboveground biomass significantly (P 0.05). With increasing of N addition, the aboveground biomass increased first then decreased, and the grasses biomass increased while the forbs and legumes biomass decreased.(3)There was a significant linear positive relationship between species richness and vegetation light penetration (P 0.05), and also between aboveground biomass and soil NO3—- N content (P 0.05). The relationship between aboveground biomass and species richness was negative upon enhanced N supply.
结果表明:(1)氮素添加提高了土壤中NO3—- N等可利用资源的含量,增加了植物群落植被的盖度,减小了植被的透光率,随着施氮量的增加群落中物种丰富度显著降低(P 0.001);(2)氮素添加显著改变了植物群落地上生产力(P 0.05),随着施氮量的增加地上生产力呈现先增加后降低的变化趋势,各功能群中禾草生物量显著增加,而杂草和豆科生物量随施氮量增加逐渐减少;(3)物种多样性与植被透光率呈线性正相关(P 0.05);地上生产力与土壤NO3—- N含量呈线性正相关(P 0.05);随着施氮量的增加物种丰富度与生产力之间呈负相关关系。
The results showed that the species richness,the speciesdiversity and its biomass of understorey vegetation decreased with the stand age in-creasing.There was the most significant negative-linear relationship between thiskind of changes and age.It is possible that the certain shading condition may benefit to understorey growing better.The richness,diversity index and biomass of thevegetation in eucalypt plantation decreased with CPR increasing,however,after ro-tating by watermelon one rotation,the richness,the diversity index and biomass ofunderstorey in CP stand increased,this result will provide the possibility of therestoration and reestablishment of vegetation in eucalypt plantations.The nutrientstorage of understorey decreased in accord with the productivity decreased withCPR increasing,this is the result which the stand enviroment became worse and thestand stratum competed with the vegetation for the water and fertility of soil.
- 更多网络解释 与richness相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
指超越感官刺激的共鸣与感染力,是一些细致的感觉,亦或是不同感觉间的复杂交互作用,所造成的心理感动,其他常用的语汇还有芳香(aroma)、丰富(richness)、风味(flavor)、特色(varietal distinction or character)等等,
人们通常认为是媒介的交互性(interactivity)和丰富度(richness)产生了这种临场感(Klein 2001;Steuer 1992). 然而,在研究三维广告时,我们却发现媒介的交互性和丰富度并不能充分解释消费者体验模拟产品时的心理活动. 因此,
richness parameter:富度参数
return-beam tube 回束摄象管 | richness parameter 富度参数 | ring-plane crossing 环面穿越
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