英语人>词典>英汉 : rhesus factor的中文,翻译,解释,例句
rhesus factor的中文,翻译,解释,例句

rhesus factor

rhesus factor的基本解释

猕因子, Rh 因子, 凝血素

Rhesus factor
更多网络例句与rhesus factor相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

- Became assistant to Karl Landsteiner at the Rockefeller Institute, New York, USA1935 - Worked as a bacteriologist and serologist at Newark Beth Israel Hospital, New Jersey, USA1944 - Levine started a centre for blood group research at the Ortho Research Foundation, Raritan, New Jersey1946 - Albert Lasker Award for clinical research awarded to Levine jointly with Karl Landsteiner and Alexander Wiener for their work on the Rhesus factor , HDN and blood transfusion1969 - The American Society of Clinical Pathologists started an award for clinical research and named it the Philip Levine Award.

1923年-任康奈尔大学的医学博士; 1925年-在美国纽约洛克菲勒研究所成为病理学家卡尔兰德坦纳的助理; 1932年-在威斯康星大学从事噬菌体研究工作——麦迪逊; 1935年-在美国新州纽获克以色列医院作为细菌学家和血清学家; 1944年-在新泽西州拉里坦的奥索研究基金会开始了一个血型研究; 1946年-因为他们对Rh因子,新生儿溶血病和输血中的研究工作,拉斯克临床研究奖一并颁发给菲利普列文,卡尔兰德坦纳,亚历山大维纳; 1969年-美国临床病例协会开始了一项临床研究的奖励,并命名为菲利普列文奖。

They did not name this blood group antigen, but it was subsequently found to be the Rhesus factor.


Rhesus factor is in the red blood cells of most people, but about 15 per cent of people are rhesus-negatie.


更多网络解释与rhesus factor相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Rhesus factor:恒河猴因子

地中海型貧血(thalassemi)或恆河猴因子(Rhesus factor)疾病. 细菌感染. 弓形体病(toxoplasmosis),B型链球菌(Group B Streptococcus),和德国风疹(German measles)是造成24周和27周之间的胎儿死亡的重要元凶. 这一类的感染不带症状,

Rh: rhesus factor Rh:因子,猕因子

Rh: rhexus Rh猕(指人红细胞的某种物质和性能与猕红细胞者相似) | Rh: rhesus factor Rh因子,猕因子 | Rh: rhesus hapten Rh半抗原,猕半抗原

rhesus factor Rh:因子,猕因子

Rh:rhesus Rh,猕(指人红细胞的某种物质和性能,与猕红细胞者相似) | rhesus factor Rh 因子,猕因子 | rhesus hapten Rh 半抗原,猕半抗原