英语人>词典>英汉 : reticulate的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

reticulate [ri'tikjulit]

第三人称单数:[reticulates]  动词过去式:[reticulated]  过去分词:[reticulated]  现在分词:[reticulating]  


  • The rivers and brooks reticulated the broad plains of the valley, as thickly as veins in marble.
  • 在这山谷的广大平原上河流织成了网状,密密麻麻如同大理石上的纹。




Plant / 植物 [187]

vascular plant  ·  terminal bud  ·  simple leaf  ·  sea weed  ·  sage brush  ·  petrified wood  ·  opposite leaves  ·  lateral bud  ·  lanceolate leaf  ·  incomplete flower

更多 网络例句 与reticulate相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the genus of Saussurea,the pollen grains of the genus can be divided into 4types,fovedate,granules,reticulate-granules and reticulate and the achen surfacefeature can be divided into four types,striate ornamentation,septate striateornamentation,reticulate ornamentation and negative reticulate ornamentation.


Through comparative analysis on the pollen exine ornamentation of Lycoris we think that the pollen characters of Lycoris is relative steady and basically uniform, the shape of pollen grains are all long sphericity, all species have reticulate ornamentation, but there are large varieties between species in Lycoris on these aspects such as the pollen size , Finely reticulate ornamentation or coarsely reticulate ornamentation,psilate muri or curve muri,having spinulose or not and the spinulose position.


The tracheary elements in secondary xylems of Actaea asiatica root and rhizomes were observered with a scanning electron microscope and found to contain abundant types, which mainly included tracheids, tracheid-like vessels, fibriform vessels, and typical vessels. Of these types, the tracheids, tracheid-like vessels, fibriform vessels were first found. Scalariform perforation plates, reticulate perforation plates, mixed perforation plates and simple perforation plates were observed in the typical vessels and the reticulate perforation plates ,mixed perforation plates were first founded the lateral-wall perforation plates, multiple end walls and pit membrane vestige were also observed in the tracheary elements.


更多网络解释 与reticulate相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在植物中, 杂交和渗入远比动物常见, 其本质...上的网状(reticulate)进化关系很容易以基因树冲突...的形式表现出来, 这种基因树的冲突尤其容易发生


reticular 网状的 | reticulate 网状的 | reticulated 网状的

reticulate:成网状 (动)

reticular 网状的; 错综的 (形) | reticulate 成网状 (动) | reticulated 网状的 (形)

Reticulate body:网状体

但有人认为还存在着一种过渡形态,即中间体(Intermediate body),亦有人把始体称为网状体(Reticulate body). 表18-2 衣原体原体和始体的性状皮肤变态反应原1926年Frei发现,将性病淋巴肉芽肿(LGV)病人横痃中的脓液加热制成的抗原,采用皮内注射法.

reticulate parenchyma:网状薄壁组织

see sth. through 办好某事 | reticulate parenchyma 网状薄壁组织 | intravascular 血管内的

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