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The original poster you this API became old an overhaul changed this year January: Activity and ExternalActivity changed with ExternalActivityBehaviour Node changed ActivityBehaviour Activity looks in me, jbpm4 and Jbpm3 do not have what relation, the design that the kernel rescripted basically and is based on Pvm has very strong expansibility.

楼主你这个API老了今年一月份有个大修改:Activity 和 ExternalActivity 改成了ActivityBehaviour和ExternalActivityBehaviour而Node改成了Activity在我看来,jbpm4和jbpm3没啥关系,内核基本都重写了而基于pvm的设计有很强的扩展性。

When Qiao Busi announces to change Intel to CPU in the round on the congress of developer of malic whole world in June 2005, just disclose it is early 5 years ago, the apple already rescripted the code of operating system MACOSX by the framework of X86, there are any rumours before.
