repeal [ri'pi:l]
- repeal的基本解释
废止, 撤消, 放弃
- The grant has been repealed.
- 该项补助金已被取消。
废止, 撤消
- Many voted for the repeal of that property law.
- 许多人投票赞成废止那项财产法。
- 相似词
- repeal的同义词
- v. take back · invalidate · withdraw · abolish · overrule · rescind · recall · revoke · cancel · annul
- 更多 网络例句 与repeal相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Waste oil category: Waste oil, waste hydraulic oil, waste oil, waste oil injection, waste kerosene, waste of white mineral oil, white waste oil, waste oil sparks, the repeal of toluene, waste cutting oil, gear oil, lubricants, batteries oil, spindle oil, zorra, oil, turpentine oil, solvent oil, gear oil, oil rails; waste chemical categories: one, the repeal of toluene, xylene waste, spent 2 pure benzene, acetone waste, waste Ding ketone, cyclohexanone 3 waste, waste dichloromethane, dichloroethane waste, waste Dichloropropane 4, solvent categories: soluble oil 6 #, 120 # dissolving agents, dissolving agents 200 # 5, trichloro ethylene, dichloromethane, trichloroethane; tetrachlorethylene, trichloromethane 6, the repeal of methanol, ethanol, waste, waste alcohol, isopropyl alcohol waste 7, the repeal of ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol waste, spent three 8 glycol, waste butyl acetate, ethyl acetate wastewater, waste acetate 9, the repeal of ethyl ether, acetonitrile waste, waste petroleum ether 10, cleaning categories: cleaning agent, washing machine water, days that water; wash board water,×oil wastewater liquid 11, the supply of tires category: special supply of fuel oil, non-standard oil, burner oil, waste oil and other refined crude oil.
废油类:废机油,废液压油,废柴油,废注塑机油,废煤油,废白矿油,废白电油,废火花机油,废甲苯,废切削油,齿轮油,润滑油,废电池机油,锭子油,索拉油,松节油,溶剂油,齿轮油,导轨油等;废化工类:1、废甲苯、废二甲苯、废纯苯2、废丙酮、废丁酮、废环已酮3、废二氯甲烷、废二氯乙烷、废二氯丙烷4、溶剂类: 6#溶油剂, 120#溶油剂, 200#溶油剂5、三氯乙烯,二氯甲烷,三氯乙烷;四氯乙烯,三氯甲烷6、废甲醇、废乙醇、废丁醇、废异丙醇7、废乙二醇、废二甘醇、废三甘醇8、废醋酸丁酯、废醋酸乙酯、废醋酸甲酯9、废乙醚、废乙腈、废石油醚10、清洗类:清洗剂,洗机水,天那水;洗板水,去渍油等废液废水11、废轮胎类供应:特价供应燃料油,非标油,烧火油,废油提练的原油等。
E. The amendment or repeal of any resolution of the board which by its express terms is not so amendable or repeal able.
On the base of Conflict Theory, multilevel causal researches had been carried out and conclusions were made that validity repeal is the basic cause of school violence, emotion evocation is the head cause, abreaction is the immediate cause and heavily social control is the "prime criminal" behind-the-scenes.
- 更多网络解释 与repeal相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
"领事"(consul)、"领事馆官员"(consular officer) 指任何获接待国主管当局承认为以该身分受托行使领事职能的人,包括领事馆的首长在内;"卖"、"售卖"、"出售"(sell) 包括交换及以物相易;"废除"(repeal) 包括删除、撤销、取消或代替;
他又命岳飞班师回朝. 岳飞怕错失良机,继续进军中原,收复了许多失地,还把金兀术的精锐骑兵拐子马一举歼灭. 抗金的形势蓬勃发展起来. 可为了同金人议和,宋高宗竟然把岳飞、韩世忠等大将的兵权给撤消(repeal)了.
在30年代初期,"废止"(Repeal)这个词只指废止禁酒法. --译者之前,本尼托.墨索里尼公开说过:"美国的事情,两句话就说完了:一是酒禁问题,一是林白事件指林白的婴儿被绑票并且遭杀害事件. --译者. "这是极权主义者定下的教条:美国是走私犯和绑匪横行的国家.
repatriate 遣返,归国 | repeal 撤消,废止 | repeat 重说,再述
repeal rescission:撤消(判决)
annulment 撤消(遗嘱) | repeal rescission 撤消(判决) | revocation 撤消
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