renewable [ri'nju(:)əbl]
- renewable的基本解释
可更新的, 可恢复的
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- renewably
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Energy / 能量
wind turbine · wind farm · wave power · tidal power · power lines · magnetic energy · jet fuel · internal combustion engine · greenhouse gas · green energy
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This paper endogens carbon tax and subsidy two variables, discussing how to decide the optimal level of carbon tax and subsidy. The results of the research are obtained as the following:(1) price and capital subsidy which one is priority depend on the productivity of renewable energy capital, if productivity is high enough, then should adopt capital subsidy policy;(2) price and capital subsidy indeed exist trade-off and non-independent relationship;(3) renewable energy regulation ratio has negative effect on carbon tax, however has positive effect on price subsidy;(4) green certificate price increase will result in decrease carbon tax and price subsidy, but increase capital subsidy;(5) if the authority loose the environmental target, then should impose high carbon tax which maintains the environmental quality, but have ambiguous effect on subsidy policy;(6) increasing stability of renewable energy, then increase price subsidy, however, under budget constraint should decrease capital subsidy;(7) analyzing Taiwan's three wind power energy with different price subsidy, which can improve the technology of wind power energy. In another word, it can raise the capacity of wind power energy and reach the goal of renewable energy.
With the rapid consumption of non-renewable resources and approach of energy crisis, the utilization of renewable resources, instead of non-renewable ones, is attracting more and more attention wordwide.
Drawbench plastic production process, because of plastic material contained in the composition of drawing complex, such as PP + renewable PP; PP + inorganic filler; renewable PP + renewable PE and so on; these materials more or less entrainment of water and impurities will directly affect the silk-smooth surface film formation and the tensile toughness of noodle degrees, resulting in mechanical properties of products and sensory quality by a greater impact, broken wires, the membrane surface uneven, dull and so on.
- 更多网络解释 与renewable相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
有一个全球性的组织来生产和分配现有的资源,再加上一种对于替代的、可更新的(renewable)能源之管理良好的探查,将会成为这种情况下的一个必要. 在进化方面,人类会变得更为先进,在技术上来讲,
有害物质的种类:农药、炸药、多氯联苯(PCB)多环沼气发酵:其生化本质是一种由产甲烷细菌进行的甲烷形成(methanogenesis)过程. 产甲烷菌是自然界碳素循环中厌氧生物链的最后一个成员. 植物秸杆和其它动植物残体是含量最高的生物量,是一类可再生资源(renewable)或永续资源.
Transformation: 改变 | Renewable: 可再生的 | Gleeful: 高兴的
Renewable resources:可再生资源
国家安全生产监督总局煤炭信息研究院院长黄盛初告诉地球上的资源分作两大类:可再生资源(renewable resources)与非再生资源(nonrenewable resources);前者如日光、空气、水后者如石油、煤、矿物.
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