remediation [,ri,midi'eiʃən]
- remediation的基本解释
补习, 辅导, 补救, 纠正
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Based on the evaluation system, the plants whose relative remediation age was between 0~10 years were named as"Hyperaccumulator"and those between 10 ~ 50 years were named as"Accumulator".7 In the experiments six kinds of substrates were mixed with different solid wastes and the absorption and enrichment of plants on heavy metal Cd was studied. The results showed that relative remediation age was an ideal index to evaluate the capability of the phytoremediation on heavy metals, because it took into account more factors which affected the absorption evaluation effects than others, such as the heavy metal content and the biomass of the over-ground part of plants, the heavy metal content and the whole gross in substrates, harvesting frequency of plants and the environment standard of heavy metal. This made relative remediation age be suitable to the sorption capability evaluation of not only different plants on one heavy metal but also one plant on different heavy metals.8 It can be drawn from the relative remediation age of heavy metal Cd that the absorption capability of different plants was not same.
Based on the evaluation system, the plants whose relative remediation age was between 0~10 years were named as"Hyperaccumulator"and those between 10 ~ 50 years were named as"Accumulator".7 In the experiments six kinds of substrates were mixed with different solid wastes and the absorption and enrichment of plants on heavy metal Cd was studied. The results showed that relative remediation age was an ideal index to evaluate the capability of the phytoremediation on heavy metals, because it took into account more factors which affected the absorption evaluation effects than others, such as the heavy metal content and the biomass of the over-ground part of plants, the heavy metal content and the whole gross in substrates, harvesting frequency of plants and the environment standard of heavy metal. This made relative remediation age be suitable to the sorption capability evaluation of not only different plants on one heavy metal but also one plant on different heavy metals.8 It can be drawn from the relative remediation age of heavy metal Cd that the absorption capability of different plants was not same.
This research discussed the treatment of the Fenton's agent of the in-situ chemical oxidation on contaminated groundwater polluted by benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes released from gasoline. The above treatment was evaluated by virtue of the literature review, principle of remediation, removal efficiency, real remediation cases and cost in order to clearly understand its merit, constraints, the best way to implement and to provide the domestic practitioners for assessing the remediation technique considering the economic benefit and the remediation schedule.
中文摘要本研究探讨以现地化学氧化法(in-situ chemical oxidation, ISCO)之Fenton's试剂处理汽油中苯、甲苯、乙苯、二甲苯(benzene、toluene、ethylbenzene、xylenes,BTEX)污染地下水之实际案例,经由相关文献资料、整治原理、去除效率、现场整治案例成效及成本等进行评析,以更清楚掌握其优点、限制及最佳之施用方法,做为国内相关人员在经济效益及污染整治时程上考量,评估该污染整治操作技术之应用参考。
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教师可将的个别化教学必需重视预备学习(prerequisite learning) 之精如加强协助(prompting) ,减少协助(f ading),逐步促成(shaping)肢障学生辅导手册 许天威编著道之优缺点,做适当之补救(remediation) 与补偿(comp
目前,为执行沙宾法案,通常会分为三大阶段:文件化(Documentation)、评估(Evaluation)与矫正(Remediation). 这三阶段要做到完整,少则五、六千个小时,多则上万个小时,最起码都要花费新台币五千万元. 以我做过的案子为例,
齐力承包括设定阅读目标(gold setting)、选择阅读策略(strategy selection)、检查目标(gold checking)是否达成及采取补救方法(remediation),此部分和一般认知工作的目标设定和执行相似,又称为后设认知(metacognition),
尽量削减损耗性排放;(3)产品与服务的非物质化,即在更少的物质基础上获得更多的产品与服务;(4)能源脱碳. 在产业生态学中,这第六个环节包括两类运动:一类是处理(treatment),储存(storage)和处置(diosal). 另一类是环境修复(remediation).
试验设备 testing | 现场准备 SITE REMEDIATION | 地质勘探 Subsurface Investigation
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