英语人>词典>英汉 : remarries的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇



再婚( remarry的第三人称单数 ), 与某人复婚

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But, father king Lao Hamlet died suddenly, father's younger brother Crowdy Si mounts the throne, the mother remarries the new king and so on a succession of unfortunate news, has attacked him heavily.


Xiang Lin-sao written by LuXun is the tragic image of working women who was op- pressed by feudal ethics.Xiao Cao in"Grass"、the Widow in"Remarries" written by XuJie,Shua- ngXi's wife in"Insane woman" written by Xu Qin-wen,these figures are the same with Xiang Lin-sao,who is the victims by the old cultural confuciansm.


If, however, the mate departs and then remarries, then you're free.


And when my mother remarries, l'll invite you to her wedding.


Of course, no one remarries without first going through a dating or courtship process.


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更多网络解释与remarries相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And when my mother remarries, l'll invite you to her wedding:我妈妈改嫁的时候,我会邀请你参加婚礼的

Good night, old man.|晚安,老头. | And when my mother remarries, l'll invite you to her wedding.|我妈妈改嫁的时候,我会邀请你参加婚礼的. | You bastard!|你这个杂种!

It's about the daughter of a nice man who remarries after his wife dies:这书讲述的是一个女孩的故事 她的父亲在妻子死了以后又结了婚

What's your book about, Evangelin... | It's about the daughter of a nice man who remarries after his wife dies|这书讲述的是一个女孩的故事 她的父亲在妻子死了以后又结了婚 | and the stepmother's horrid to...