relationship in law
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The purpose of this dissertation lies in perfecting relative laws of administration of medical waste,according to the lawmaking and law system of foreign countries.meanwhile,the notion is provided to consummate relative law system and achieve the purpose of holding in the administration of medical waste,environment protect and human health.this dissertation puts forward first-step conceivableness of perfecting lawmaking and law system concerning the administration to disposal of medical waste.because our country's law system concerning medical waste is too immovable and abstract,this research will make our country's law system of the medical waste more concrete and more definite,which will strengthen the operability in the fulfillment and make the lawmaking spirit embodied.simultaneously it provides legal basis and policy support for the administration to disposal of medical waste.the problem of the administration of medical waste enlarges the difficulties of disposal perfect lawmaking,law-executing, advantageous to strengthen the administration to disposal of medical waste of our country.meanwhile it has theoretic meaning and application value for environment safety and human health.this dissertation is totally divided into four parts.the first part explains the current condition of the administration to disposal of medical waste of our country,which introduces the concept of medical waste,the harm of medical waste,the necessity of administration, current lawmaking condition and present law system of the medical waste.the second part introduces the general situation of lawmaking concerning the administration to disposal of medical waste of the united states,eu,japan and korea.simultaneously it explains the apocalypse of administration to disposal of medical waste of our country.the third part points out the existent law problem of the administration to disposal of medical waste,including lawmaking problem,law enforcement problem and law system problem.the fourth part aims at the relative suggestions to the existent law problems of the administration to disposal of medical waste of our country.the suggestions want to raise lawmaking layer,perfect lawmaking contents,strengthens law enforcement,practice the law system of the manufacturer to be responsible for the medical waste.meanwhile,it gives the advice on the punishment-compensation system,the conduct permit system and the risk fund system.
Because China has not complete special package management law and regulation,this paper studies the law and regulations related to commodity package articles such as environmental protection law,temporary package resources recovery management method,clean production law,health food law,drug management law,solid waste pollution environment protection law,import and export commodity examination law,dangerous chemical commodity package and container fixed point production management law,rail commodity transpor...
This chapter tries to solve the following issues:as theconscious awareness of law-makers,the penalty-crimerelationship determines how to make law;as the form ofideas,the penalty-crime relationship regulates and guidesthe process of law-making and judicature;penalty andcrime as provided by law is nothing but the model for thepenalty-crime relationship presupposed and defined bylawmakers;the presupposition and definition of thepenalty-crime relationship is the value-based evaluativeactivity on the grounds of cognition;the change invalue-based criteria and the inherent contradiction of theobjective to beevaluated is the fundamental precondition for the definitionof the penalty-crime relationship;the change in classcontradiction is the basic cause for the change inevaluative criteria;the change in the objective to theevaluated reflects the demands and interests of the rulingclass to a certain extent,and lastly;as the evaluativeform of negating crime,penalty and its effectiveness dependheavily on the unity of compulsiveness and justice.
- 更多网络解释 与relationship in law相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
西 前锋 7 劳尔(Raul) 西班牙 77.06.27 皇马B队 17 范尼() 荷兰(E) 76.07.01 曼联 20 伊瓜因(ín) 阿根廷(E) 87.12.10 河床 9 萨维奥拉() 阿根廷 81.12.11 巴塞罗那 2006-2007赛季西班牙甲级联赛:皇家马德里 成立时间:1902年 上赛季名次:第2名 主场:伯纳乌 (78500人) 主席:卡尔德隆() 主帅:卡佩罗(),
commensal relationship between teachers and students:的全文例句
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commensal relationship between teachers and students:相关词的翻译
commensal relationship between teachers and students的翻译: | commensal relationship between teachers and students相关词的翻译: | 师生关系:the relationship between teachers and students