英语人>词典>英汉 : reforce的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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Percutaneous kyphoplasty is an effective minimal invasive technology,which can rapidly remit the low back pain caused by the senile osteoporosis vertebral compression fracture,reforce the intensity of the vertebral body and stabilize the spine.


Percutaneous kyphoplasty is an effective minimal invasive technology,which can rapidly remit the low back pain caused by the senile osteoporosis vertebral compression fracture,reforce the intensity of the vertebral body and stabilize the spine.


The results show that molecules of PEO〓 have priority to locate at the interface of PVF〓/PVC to reforce their interaction when content of PEOx was less than saturated concentration in the interface , and PEOx joined into the PVF〓 phase and /or the PVC phase; the particles size of dispersed phase, PVC, became larger when C was more than Cs; the blend became miscible when C was much more than Cs.


更多网络解释与reforce相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"五步教学法"即在英语教学过程中运用的"复习",(Revision)介绍(New materials), 练习(Practice)操练(drills)和巩固(reforce)五个步骤,教学过程中这五者必须环环紧扣,互相渗透,相辅相成,才能达到预想的效果.