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reducing glass的中文,翻译,解释,例句

reducing glass

reducing glass的基本解释


更多网络例句与reducing glass相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Float glass is much larger than the potential of saving energy and reducing consumption of ordinary glass.


W - doped vanadium dioxide film was prepared by dipping V - W commixed sol on surface of glass slide and reducing in hydrogen atmosphere.


Vi?a Errazuriz, the Chilean wine producer, has estimated that it will save 500 tonnes of glass by reducing the weight of its wine bottles by 12%.

维纳马埃拉苏里斯,智利葡萄酒生产商,估计这将节省500吨玻璃的重量减少其葡萄酒瓶的12 %。

A glass article having a solar control coating is disclosed for use in producing heat reducing glass especially for use in architectural windows.


The coating produces another reflection on its own surface, which interferes with the original reflection from the glass surface, reducing the reflection as a result.


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reducing glass:缩小透镜

reducing capacity 还原能力 | reducing glass 缩小透镜 | reduction 还原