英语人>词典>英汉 : red earth的中文,翻译,解释,例句
red earth的中文,翻译,解释,例句

red earth

red earth的基本解释

红壤, 红土

更多网络例句与red earth相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Result shows that the weathering rates were very low (usually lower than 1.0 keq × ha-1× a-1) for allite (including red earth, lateritic red earth, red earth, yellow earth, and yellow-brown earth) in south China and silalsol (consisting of dark brown forest soil, black soil, and podzolic soil) in northeast China, but very high for xerosol and alpine soil in northwest China.

总的说来,中国南方富铝土区域(包括砖红壤带、赤红壤带、红壤黄壤带和黄棕壤带)以及东北的硅铝土区域(包括暗棕壤黑土带和漂灰土带)的土壤风化速率较低(通常低于1.0 keq × ha-1× a-1),而西北地区干旱土和高山土的风化速率则较高。

The selenium contents in soils from Paleozoic Basalt and Red Earth Area of Carbonzte have the highest value. The selenium contents in soils from multi-Yellow-Red Earth, Purple Earth Clastic Yellow-Red earth and metamorphite red soil are lower than average value in China.


Organic matter, pH, cation exchange capacity and contents of potassium, sodium, magnesium, copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt, iron, selenium, iodin and fluorin were determined of rock and soil samples from six main geological background areas within the main ruminant production base, in Yunnan Province, China. Results showed: 1 the red earth area of Paleozoic basalt and red earth area of carbonate the highest; the yellow-red earth area of mixture of carbonate, clasolite and basalt follows, except for its content of Co, which is relatively lower; and the purple earth area of Mesozoic clasolite, the yellow-red earth area of clasolite and the dark red earth area of Precambrian metamorphite are the lowest


更多网络解释与red earth相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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red clover 红车轴草 | red currant 红醋栗 | red earth 红壤

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red earth 红壤 | red kerneled rice 赤色米 | red pepper 辣椒

mountain red-brown earth:山地红棕壤

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