英语人>词典>英汉 : rectangular的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

rectangular [rek'tæŋgjulə]


成直角的, 矩形的

更多 网络例句 与rectangular相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The progress levels of symptoms after pathogen infection showed that interaction of gray leaf spot pathogen and host has differentiation or polymorphism. The progress levels of symptoms is different.The aggressively has polymorphism. The pathogenicity of different isolates in same cultivar has polymorphism, or the host reaction type of same isolate in different cultivars has polymorphism.The host reaction type has differentiation. There are seven types of host reaction in cultivar and inbred after infected by GLS pathogen:Rectangular lesion without chlorotic halo, Rectangular lesion with chlorotic halo,Irregular lesion without chlorotic halo,Irregular lesion with chlorotic halo, Spot lesion with chlorotic halo,Rectangular and irregular lesionand Rectangular and spot lesion. The host reaction type is coalesced lesion when disease severely. Frequency of each reaction types is different.


Four-port network with partial height cylindrical objects in rectangular waveguide junctions (i.e., Four-port rectangular junctions), multiple-stepped rectangular waveguide bend and T-septum rectangular waveguide junction are modeled by full-wave mode matching method in order to quickly design the combline cross-coupled filter, corner waveguide diplexer, generalized chebysheve waveguide filters and diplexers with high efficiency in this paper.


Using the relations between Hermite and Laguerre-Gaussian modes and expanding the window function of two-dimensional rectangular hard-edged apertures into a finite sum of complex Gaussian functions, the propagation of complex- argument Laguerre-Gaussian beams through a paraxial optical ABCD system with a rectangular hard-edged aperture is studied. An analytical propagation equation is derived and used to study the diffraction at the rectangular hard-edged aperture and the focusing properties of complex-argument LG beams.


更多网络解释 与rectangular相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


注意:要显示反射和阴影,请在"房间编辑器"(Room Editor) 对话框中单击"房间"(Room)>"矩形"(Rectangular). 从"壁"(Walls) 列表中选取所需的壁曲面,以对渲染房间中的曲面应用投射的反射和阴影属性. 单击"应用"(Apply) 以应用更改,


细胞单元可以是矩形的(rectangular),也可以是星形的(radial). 直方图通道是平均分布在0-1800(无向)或0-3600(有向)范围内. 作者发现,采用无向的梯度和9个直方图通道,能在行人检测试验中取得最佳的效果.


长方形(rectangular) 或信封形同样保暖能力的充化纤的睡袋比充鹅绒的睡袋重得多,压缩后体积也大得多. 而且没用几年化纤睡袋就扁了,失去很多保暖能力.好的鹅绒睡袋能用一二十年.化纤睡袋好处是便宜,而且湿了后也有一定的保暖能力.鹅绒睡袋受受潮影响大一些,


件(支、把、个)Piece | 长方形(矩形) Rectangular | 椭圆形 Oval

rectangular table:长方桌

Rustic style furniture 乡村风格家具 | rectangular table 长方桌 | red-lacquered chest 红漆木箱

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