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He soon after witnessed in a neighboring village the beheading of a man who was put to death for having been rebaptized.


Why were those baptized by the Baptism of John rebaptized with the Baptism of Christ?


This happened in 1467 at the synod of Lhotka, near Reichenau, where also all those present were rebaptized.

这件事发生在1467年举行的主教会议的勒霍特卡,近reichenau ,那里也是所有在场的人们

Since they believed that only after an adult had come to faith in Christ should he or she be baptized, they taught that converts who had been baptized in infancy must be rebaptized.

由於他们认为,只有成年后已经到了在基督信仰应他或她受洗,他们告诉我们,谁转换已受洗在婴儿期必须rebaptized 。

Anabaptists, or rebaptizers, were members of a variety of 16th - century religious groups that rejected infant baptism. Since they believed that only after an adult had come to faith in Christ should he or she be baptized, they taught that converts who had been baptized in infancy must be rebaptized.

anabaptists ,或rebaptizers ,成员的各种第十六-世纪的宗教群体否决婴儿的洗礼,由于他们认为,只有一成人后,已到了信心,在基督里应他或她受洗,他们告诉我们,转换谁已受洗在起步阶段,必须rebaptized 。

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