英语人>词典>英汉 : reach rod的中文,翻译,解释,例句
reach rod的中文,翻译,解释,例句

reach rod

reach rod的基本解释


更多网络例句与reach rod相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Olympian - The trout was happily rising away, but I didn t reach for my fly rod, which was leaning on a sagebrush clump 30 feet away.

奥海-鳟鱼是在愉快地上升了,但我没有吨达到我的飞行棒,这是学习的山艾树丛3 0英尺以外。

Heating system: adopting imported high temperature hot rod can reach the highest temperature 220V 200 degrees heat efficiency.

加热系统:采用进口高温发热棒 220V 最高温度可达到200度。

It is shown by testing results that a bad rod resistant to stress corrosion can be promoted to an excellent rod thus reach even beyond the request of standard.


Adopt at present most advanced large-scale SUPER SAP finite element structure analyse procedure to go on numerical value calculation for model of drilling rod, drilling rod whole stress simulation of state that receive show and reflect drilling rod various kinds of stresses under different working states distribute the characteristic clearly, make stress state of drilling rod reach visual, make people able to understand informations of drilling rod of stress status in depth too at the same time, so that the design of the improvement drilling rod constantly is in order to meet the demands of actual project.

采用当前最先进的大型SUPER SAP有限元结构分析程序对钻杆的模型进行了数值计算,得到的钻杆整体应力状态的模拟显示清楚地反映了钻杆在不同工作状态下的各种应力分布特征,同时也使钻杆的应力状态达到了可视化,使人们可以深入了解钻杆应力状态信息,以便不断的改进钻杆的设计以满足实际工程的需要。

更多网络解释与reach rod相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

reach rod:测深杆

reach of crane 起重机臂工作半径 | reach rod 测深杆 | reach 到达

reach rod:拉杆

reach of crane 起重机工作半径 | reach rod 拉杆 | reach rod reverse nut 拉杆反向螺母

reach rod reverse nut:拉杆反向螺母

reach rod 拉杆 | reach rod reverse nut 拉杆反向螺母 | reachability 可达性,能达性

hand sander reach rod:手拉撒砂器传动杆

hand sampling 手工采样,手工取样,人工采试样,人工抽样 | hand sander reach rod 手拉撒砂器传动杆 | hand saver 手护,保护手套