英语人>词典>英汉 : ratiocinative的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

ratiocinative [,ræti'ɔsineitiv]


推理的, 推论的, 好理论的

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Let's play a ratiocinative game,in case of he loves you well-founded.


In ratiocinative mechanism, neural network adopt right directional reasoning method. And the ratiocinative mechanism of expert system contains two conditions, the validation to the diagnosing result of neural network and the alone ratiocination.


There are some key technologies, such as knowledge library, ratiocinative mechanism, learning mechanism, expository mechanism, database and the inter-importing mechanism of neural network and expert system in this intelligent fault diagnosis system. The knowledge library, ratiocinative mechanism and learning mechanism all consist of neural network and expert system, and they should be treated separately.


With the variable of eight states in the triple inverted pendulum system,the direct design of fuzzy controller will inevitably result in the regular explosion,thus ratiocinative time will be extended and real time behavior cannot satisfy the rapidity request of system.


Early in "Sherlock Holmes"— and also again, later on — the famous sleuth demonstrates his ratiocinative powers in a way undreamed of by his creator, Arthur Conan Doyle.


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ratiocination 推理 | ratiocinative 推理的 | ration book 定量供给簿


好莱坞Hollywoodhollywoodhollywoodish | 好理论的ratiocinative | 好猎手Nimrod

ratiocinative:推理的; 好议论的 (形)

ratiocinate 推论 (动) | ratiocination 推理; 推论 (名) | ratiocinative 推理的; 好议论的 (形)

Ratiocinative Engine:推理机

微引擎:Micro Engine | 推理机:Ratiocinative Engine | 推理机:inference engine

A System of Logic Ratiocinative and Inductive:演绎与归纳的逻辑体系

A System of Ethics 伦理学体系 | A System of Logic Ratiocinative and Inductive 演绎与归纳的逻辑体系 | A Text-Book in the History of Education 教育史教科书