rape [reip]
- rape的基本解释
掠夺, 强奸, 抢夺
- The center provides counseling service to victims who have been raped.
- 这个中心为强奸受害者提供咨询服务。
- It was one of the saddest days in world history when Nanjing was raped.
- 南京被洗劫的这一天是世界历史上最悲惨的一天。
掠夺, 强奸, 抢夺, 葡萄渣, 油菜
- The man who had committed several rapes was arrested.
- 那个犯了多起强奸案的男人被抓起来了。
- Stop raping the countryside.
- 不要糟蹋乡村。
- Yellow flowers of rape always remind me of my childhood in the countryside.
- 黄黄的油菜花总使我想起我在农村时的童年。
- 相似词
- rape的同义词
- v. violate
- 相关歌词
- Fields Of Rape
- Overneath The Path Of Misery
- No Reason
- Rape Me
- Words Of Wisdom (Interlude)
- Rape Me
- 更多 网络例句 与rape相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The seedling height and the leaf area increased after treatments.3 Rape seeds were cultured in the solution containing diosgenin of different concentrations. The different concentrations of diosgenin affected metabolism of rape seedlings, particularly at a concentration of 0.5mg/L. The treatments of 0.5mg/L diosgenin increased prominently the contents of soluble sugar, soluble protein and the activity of peroxidase, catalase, Ca2+- ATPase in rape cotyledons.4 Rape seedlings were sprayed with 0.5mg/L diosgenin solution at the two-leaf and one-bud stage.
油菜种子经不同浓度的薯蓣皂素浸种处理后,0.5 mg/L的薯蓣皂素明显影响油菜幼苗生理代谢,子叶中可溶性蛋白质和可溶性总糖含量提高,过氧化物酶和过氧化氢酶的活性,Ca~(2+)-ATP酶的活性上升。
First, rape breed innovation must be strengthened , which can reduce die content of glucosinolate and erucic acid of rape breed and thus improve the per unit area yield and oil content of rape.
Until now, the phrases of the rape in marriage doesn't come up in The Criminal Law and its judicial interpretation of China today and it seems that only here of theory research is the rape in marriage stay. Some precedents of the rape in marriage have been decided by some courts in several years, in light of their peculiars, they have little effect on the research of the problem at present.
- 更多网络解释 与rape相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
"强奸"(Rape)这个词被放大作了特殊处理,加黑加粗. 唐恩回头看到伍德还站在街头路灯下,寒风中仿佛一尊雕像. 在他身后是昏暗的斯宁顿,在他对面的则是灯火辉煌的繁华闹市,一条A612公路曼弗斯大道(ManversSt)把这座城市分割成了两个截然不同的世界.
cabbage科的蔬菜,包括:油菜(rape)、甘蓝类蔬菜(kale)与芜菁(或称"大头菜",turnips)较不适合给陆龟吃. 这些植物有高含量的大豆(soybean)成份,会阻碍碘(iodine)的吸收,最后很可能造成甲状腺肿(goiter). 因此,
当时他们在奥地利的电视台上播放了洋子的(电影)>(Rape)100--他们委托我们拍这部电影,然后我们去维也纳看试映. 那像是一场在饭店办的记者会. 我们不让他们进房间来,我们把自己套进袋子,坐电梯下楼到会场去,觉得很自在,
从旧约圣经可看到同性恋、鸡*(sodomy)、强*(rape)等字, 可见那个时代是很光明正大地描述各种性行为的. 到了中世纪,随着基督教的势力之勃兴,性行为确实受到了很大的压制, 但还是有>(Il Decamerone)及>(the Canterbury Tales)等书的出版.
rape:abbr. regression analysis programme for economists; 经济学家使用的回归分析程序〖软件包〗
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