raider ['reidə]
- raider的基本解释
侵入者, 奇袭者, 袭击者
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By the famous game,"Galaxy soldiers," the film adaptation of "Iron Wing Commander" poor showing at the box office, at the most have more than 2,000 cinema, but only achieved a more than 10 million U.S. dollars of income; movie "Tomb Raider" Showing that the female protagonist film set a new box office records, she became the female adventurer known figure in Europe, but "Tomb Raider 2" has lost, shooting a general level, the story cliche boring, looks more risky Such as tourism, box office revenue for the premiere of 21.7 million U.S. dollars, much lower than the first one premiere of the film set at 47 million U.S. dollars in box office receipts; CG film "Final Fantasy" screen beautiful, lifelike figures, as well as a movie star is also concerned that Computer actor in the future instead of live actors, and complete story of clues and missing coherent plot, the movie became a Taibai Bi.
The main different between the Land Raider and the Prometheus is its weaponsry. the quad-mounted heavy bolters in each sponson replace the Land Raider's lascannons.
We have the "Tomb Raider 2" image to illustrate: in Figure III, a 3D accelerator card as a result of the closure of the "bilinear interpolation" function, in the figures behind the wood on the left there is a clear " mosaic "phenomenon.
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他是一个长的像"袭击者"(Raider)的家伙. 从西门往北走,第一个岔路口向北,下一个岔路口向西(左)走到头. 那家伙就在那边的土地上. 在德鲁伊村庄找一位名叫"戴瑞尔斯月映"(Darius Moonglow)的NPC,对他说"gems".
咕噜兵(Grunt)/狼骑(Raider) 完全不用. 我多次设法使用法师来改变比赛. Grubby:更低的Kodo的hp, 减少诱捕期间-轻微地 (至少使1 个狼骑Raider的诱捕不会连续), 更低的精灵狼的经验值, 增加5秒的哨塔建筑周期,
就在兽人部落快要灭种之际,先知出现了,成为了他们的领导者,凝聚起了这盘散沙,又组织训练了兽族步兵(Grunt)、巨魔猎头者(Troll Headhunter)、狼骑士(掠夺者)(Raider)、科多兽(Kodo Beast)、蝙蝠骑士(Troll Batrider)、风骑士(Wind Rider)等多个兵种,
兽族的狼骑兵(raider)和人族的骑兵(knight)的攻击力较强,移动速度快,在部队中一般用于打前锋. 兽族的巫师(necrolyte)、邪术师(warlock)和人族的法师(clotic)、传教士的攻击力虽低,却拥有强大的法术,一般作为作战队伍中的辅助部队.
Tomb Raider:古墓丽影
此外还有传闻称,由于>中对游戏系统作出了很大的改动,因此开发小组不想再继续以"古墓丽影"(Tomb Raider)的名字来推出这款游戏,但出于商业上的考虑,Eidos则坚决表示要维持原来的名称,并强调即使是在标题里加上"Lara Croft"的名义也是不够的,
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