rachis ['reikiz]
- rachis的基本解释
脊椎, 脊柱, 花轴
- 相似词
- rachis所属的单词分类
Plant / 植物
vascular plant · terminal bud · simple leaf · sea weed · sage brush · petrified wood · opposite leaves · lateral bud · lanceolate leaf · incomplete flower
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Effect of Water Deficit on Vascular Bundle System of Rachis in Wheat;2. Relationship between Vascular Bundle System of Rachis and Rachilla and Ear Productivity in Wheat;3. In this studay, pot experiments were carried out to learn the contribution of different organs to grain weight through the treatments of defoliate, darken ear and darken stem and the microstructure of rachis in different genotype wheat under water stress.
Inflorescence a single cylindrical bilateral raceme; spikelets alternate, sessile, borne edgeways and sunken in hollows on opposite sides of articulated rachis, falling with adjacent rachis internode; rachis terminating in a spikelet.
Histological and cellular research on rachis of healthy and inoculated spikes of the mutants at the different stages showed that, structure and developed tendency of cortical sclerenchyma tissue and green tissue and fibrovascular tissue in the rachis were alike between the mutants and their donors at anthesis stage, which also showed no apparent difference in the inoculated spikes'rachis between the mutants and their donors, major difference was that the mutants had less hyphae number than their donors.
- 更多网络解释 与rachis相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
整个花序的轴叫花序轴(rachis). 如果花序轴自地表附近及地下茎伸出,不分枝,不具叶,叫花亭(scape). 如果花序轴上有多数花,除顶花以外,其余各花都是由侧生变态叶的叶腋生出,这种变态叶较小而简单,叫苞片(bract),有些是苞片集生在花序基部,
叶片有单叶或一回到多回羽状 分裂或复叶,叶片的中轴称为叶轴 (rachis),第一次分裂出来的小叶称为 羽片 (pinna),羽片的中轴称为羽轴 (pinna rachis),从羽片分裂出来的 小叶称为小羽片 (pinnule),小羽片的中轴称小羽轴,
后囟posterior | 脊柱:Rachis | 长骨:Long Bone
Cluster:果穗 | Rachis:穗轴 | Scion:接穗
rachis internode:穗轴节间
rachiotomy saw 脊柱切开锯 | rachis internode 穗轴节间 | rachischisis posterior 脊柱后裂
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