英语人>词典>英汉 : queue的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词,拼写相似词汇

queue [kju:]

第三人称单数:[queues]  动词过去式:[queued]  过去分词:[queued]  现在分词:[queuing]  

队列, 长队, 辫子, 行列

  • The queue at the ticket window extended all the way to the street corner.
  • 售票窗口的队伍一直排到街角。


  • We queued for the bus.
  • 我们排队等公共汽车。
  • We queued up for the bus.
  • 我们排队等候公车。
  • They queue d for a taxi.
  • 他们排队等候出租汽车。

使排队, 将...梳成辫子

v. line up
Computer / 计算机 [234]

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更多 网络例句 与queue相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This invention discloses a multi-queue sequence buffer management circuit and a method based on a pipeline applying a pipeline structure including: an arbitration circuit selecting one for process from read, write and distribution buffer requests, a buffer slot state module designing state of the slot requiring operation and queue numbers and assigning idle slots, a buffer slot filter module filtering the slot, a buffer slot filter module filtering the slot states not belonging to the current operation queues nor idle aligned in terms of the head pointer, a queue slot selection module computing continuous idle slot numbers from the slot pointed by the head pointer and refreshing the head pointer and selecting preparing slots, a queue slot prior queuing module refreshing the read pointer and result numbers of the current operation queues with the pointer of the first prepare slots and their numbers which can support multi-queue to share one buffer space, queues can access the buffer in overlap.


A task's svc hook method can use ACE_Task::getq to dequeue messages placed onto the message queue and process them concurrently. The getq method blocks until either a message is available on the message queue or the specified absolute timeout elapses. The blocking nature of getq allows the thread of a task to block and only wake up when there's work available on the message queue.


A tasks svc hook method can use ACE_Task::getq to dequeue messages placed onto the message queue and process them concurrently. The getq method blocks until either a message is available on the message queue or the specified absolute timeout elapses. The blocking nature of getq allows the thread of a task to block and only wake up when theres work available on the message queue.


更多网络解释 与queue相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


STL 中的 deque, queue, stack 等,与 LabVIEW 中的"队列"(Queue)操作比较类似. 但是 LabVIEW 中的队列存在的目的不是为了作容器,而是用于在多线程程序中通讯. 在"生产者/消费者"程序模式中,经常使用队列在不同的线程中传递数据或消息.




SOCKS 5, ftp-gw, WinGate proxy等等);远端目录的快取功能;排列(queue)管理;还有许多进阶的使用者命令等等. 3.6.3 Wu-FTP 安装Wu-FTP 根据服务对象的不同,FTP服


所以类别中之所有物件均不允许在类别外任意存取操作 (d) 多型(Polymorphism)特性,即指以单一指令可唤起不同之虚拟(Virtual)函式.堆叠(Stack)无法用阵列结构表示 (b) 堆叠采用先进先出(FIFO) (c) 伫列(Queue)可用阵列与串列结构表

queue:abbr. q; 队列

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