- quasi-definition的基本解释
- 相关歌词
- De' Miei Bollenti Spiriti
- Roma Nun Fa' La Stupida Stasera
- Cara Prof
- Non C'è Più Fantasia
- Quasi Amore
- Quasi Quasi
- 相关中文词汇
- 拟定义
- 更多网络例句与quasi-definition相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
This study is to give a solution for the estimation of flash point for mixtures, the necessity for classification of flammable liquids. The traditional models for predicting flash point of mixtures usually by the activity coefficient approach. However, the parameters of activity coefficient were regressed from phase equilibrium data in the literatures. If there is no such parameter in literatures for the desired mixture, the model cannot predict the flash point oft hat mixture. Thus, this research aims at the improvement of deficiency of the flash point prediction models in the literatures by useing UNIFAC (Universal Quasi-chemical Functional Group Activity Coefficient) equation, Dortmund-UNIFAC equation and Lyngby-UNIFAC equation. In this study, we were aim at the prediction model for miscible mixtures.From the result, it is suggested to use different type of UNIFAC equation to estimast activivity coefficient in the predition of flash point for different mixture type.
易燃液体分类的主要依据参数为闪火点值,因此本研究目的为解决易燃液体中混合物分类时所面临到的闪火点值缺乏的问题,而在过去文献中所提出的闪火点预测模式会使用到活性系数,但这些模式使用到的活性系数均需要相平衡的数据以回归其所需参数,若所欲估算闪火点的混合溶液文献上未有相关参数,则无法有效利用闪火点预测模式估算其闪火点,因此针对文献中现有闪火点预测模式的缺点,利用描述液体混合物活性系数UNIFAC (Universal Quasi-chemical Functional Group Activity Coefficient)方程式、Dortmund-UNIFAC方程式和 Lyngby-UNIFAC方程式,建立发展一闪火点预测模式,而本研究以互溶溶液为对象。
The simulation results also find that the Quasi-Aitken weighted least squares estimator has a smaller asymptotic variance than least squares estimator.
Preparation of quasi-interpenetrating network/functionalized gold nanoparticle composite matrix and its performance for DNA sequencingA new matrix additive,PDMA-functionalized gold nanoparticle, was prepared by "grafting-to" approach to avoid GNP aggregation at high concentration of salt in buffer solution,and then incorporated into quasi-IPN composed of LPA(3.3 MDa) and PDMA to form novel polymer/metal composite sieving matrix(quasi-IPN/GNP-PDMA) for DNA sequencing by CE.
准互穿聚合物网络/官能化的金纳米粒子复合介质的制备及其用于DNA测序性能的研究为了解决GNPs在高盐浓度下易附聚的问题,由&grafting-to&法制备了一种新型介质添加剂,即PDMA官能化的GNPs,并将其加入到由LPA(3.3 MDa)和PDMA所组成的quasi-IPN中得到了用于毛细管电泳DNA测序的聚合物/金属复合筛分介质(quasi-IPN/GNP-PDMA)。
- 更多网络解释与quasi-definition相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
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