英语人>词典>英汉 : pupa的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

pupa ['pju:pə]


Animal / 动物 [799]

woolly rhinoceros  ·  woolly mammoth  ·  woolly bear caterpillar  ·  wild cat  ·  western meadowlark  ·  Umbrellabird  ·  Treefrog  ·  thresher shark  ·  Swallowtail Butterfly  ·  spiny lizard

Bug & Insect / 虫与昆虫 [133]

yellowjacket  ·  woolly bear caterpillar  ·  Swallowtail Butterfly  ·  stink bug  ·  longhorn beetle  ·  leafhopper  ·  leafcutter ant  ·  house fly  ·  ambush bug  ·  Junebug

更多 网络例句 与pupa相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The project implemented a systemic investigation to the pupa period of wild silkworm comparatively, which from Shanxi, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou provinces and so on. According to the investigation, the pupa dormant characteristic of Shaanxi wild silkworm was found, and the individual, which pupa period was more than two months was selected. Through the hybrid genetic analysis we found that the characteristics for a long period of pupa was controlled by polygene and genetic recessively and strongly influenced by environmental conditions at the same time. To compare the performance of pupa period of the pupa dormant wild mulberry silkworm, we designed different ecological conditions. The result indicating that the temperature is the main factor in the ecological impact, but the pupa period was extended at the same temperature conditions, indicating that the additive effects of the environmental factors.


This paper deals with integrated utilization of the mostdestructive forest pest, the pire imth Pine moth pupa-eating is popular among many ethnic groups in Yuman, toxicity test showed that the pupa had no side-effect on the tested animals lts protein content was 58.23% with 17 amino acids and various kinds of vitamins Much work has been done on the develpent of pupa protein, fat and chitin ad so on.


Caddis - one of the three most important aquatic insects imitated by fly fishermen; found world wide in all freshwater habitats; adult resembles a moth when in flight; at rest the wings are folded in a tent shape down the back; the most important aquatic state of the caddis is the pupa, which is its emerging stage (also see larva, pupa and emerger).


更多网络解释 与pupa相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


虫蛹:(PUPA)这个阶段又似蝴蝶生命周期中蛹的阶段,此阶段介于幼虫和成虫之间的一个过程. 共13天,蛹虫由一根丝线悬挂于空中. 4. 成虫:成虫的生命周期短短数日,外形如大型的蚊子,但是,它们没有嘴巴. 生命对于它们本身的意义就是繁衍后代并散布其物种.


柞蚕蛹为完全变态的昆虫蛹(pupa). 柞蚕(tussh pernyi silkworm)学名(Antheraea pernyi),属鳞翅目天蚕蛾科昆虫,幼虫绿黄或天蓝色,体有毛瘤,刚毛直立,以山毛榉科、栎属树叶为主要饲料,多室外放养.


宝柏 (Pupa) 闪烁眼线笔含有大量闪烁微粒,使双眸於眨眼间散放华丽光彩,而且色泽浓郁,能维持妆容持久不脱色,塑造理想造型. 柔软笔头设计助你轻松容易勾划清晰流畅眼线.


Jai Ose寶柏 | Pupa 寶賽絲 | Bourjois珍蒂畢絲

coarctate pupa:围蛹

coagulating sedimentation 凝聚沈澱法 | coarctate pupa 圍蛹 | coarse-grained 粗粒狀

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