英语人>词典>英汉 : punchlines的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇


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They complemented each otherperfectly: he was the straight man, and she delivered the punchlines.


Che Wan Wan: I like Eric's punchlines. Do you want to become a cool comedian.


It is recommended that you try to nail down the biggest points you know you need to make: items like plot, punchlines and any action sequences you have in mind should be scripted.

建议您尝试钉的最大下跌点你知道你需要:项目,如阴谋, punchlines和序列的任何行动你的想法应该是剧本。

His speechwriters are skilful and he delivers punchlines with a certain deadpan panache.


Throw in his penchant for punchlines, freestyle prowess, and unique delivery, and you're left with an emcee's emcee.


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更多网络解释与punchlines相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

developing punchlines:语不惊人死不休

28、建构是为了解构--a practical guide to joke-making:constructing and disrupting frames of referenc... | 29、语不惊人死不休--developing punchlines | 30、妙语新编戏说--adapting and using existing punchline...

developing punchlines:第二十九式 语不惊人死不休

第二十八式 建构是为了解构 a practical guide to joke-making:constructing and disrupting fra... | 第二十九式 语不惊人死不休 developing punchlines 63 | 第三十式 妙语新编戏说 adapting and using existing pu...

adapting and using existing punchlines:妙语新编戏说

29、语不惊人死不休--developing punchlines | 30、妙语新编戏说--adapting and using existing punchlines | 31、黑色幽默要够黑--make the most of black humour

adapting and using existing punchlines:第三十式 妙语新编戏说

第二十九式 语不惊人死不休 developing punchlines 63 | 第三十式 妙语新编戏说 adapting and using existing punchlines 63 | 第三十一式 黑色幽默要够黑 make the most of black humour 65

Usually remembers the punchlines of jokes:聽得懂笑話

4. Nods head at appropriate times when I'm talking還肯聽我說話 | 5. Usually remembers the punchlines of jokes聽得懂笑話 | 6. Is in good enough shape to rearrange the furniture搬得動傢俱