promoter [prə'məutə]
- promoter的基本解释
促进者, 助长者
- Good humor is a promoter of friendship.
- 良好的幽默感能促进友谊。
- 相似词
- Promoter
- 拼写相近单词
- promote
- promoted
- promotement
- promoters
- promotes
- 更多 网络例句 与promoter相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The summary results are below:1. GUS expression under the driving of the BjCHI1 promoter (-1060/+17) was essentially undetectable in the young seedlings under normal growth conditions. GUS activity was first detected in the stigma of young flowers, peaked in the young siliques, and decreased when the siliques became older. No GUS expression was found in the mature siliques, seeds or root.2. The BjCHI1 promoter (-1060/+17) was inducible by NaCl, PEG, wounding and MeJA treatments. High levels of GUS expression were detected in the transgenic tobacco and Arabidopsis plants after wounding, NaCl, PEG, and MeJA treatment, indicating that the BjCHI1 promoter responses to both biotic and abiotic stresses.3. RT-PCR analysis confirmed that the expression of the BjCHI1 gene in B. juncea was inducible by PEG and NaCl.4. The transcription start site was determined by 5′-RACE, and was located at the 17th nucleotide upstream of the translation initiation codon of the BjCHI1 gene.5. A -805/+17 promoter fragment was enough to response to wounding and MeJA induction, which was proved in transgenic tobacco and Arabidopsis plants. The 397 bp region between -805 and -409 of the BjCHI1 promoter contains a cis-acting element that is essential for the wounding and MeJA inducibility.6. The -695/-620 region was necessary but not sufficient to confer MeJA-responsive expression. A T/G-box locates in -353 play an important role in the expression of the BjCHI1 gene in response to MeJA treatment. The 76 bp region is coupled with the T/G-box to confer full MeJA-inducible transcription of the BjCHI1 gene.
主要结果如下:1、利用转基因拟南芥植株分析表明,正常生长条件下,BjCHI1启动子(-1060/+17)驱动GUS基因主要在花柱中表达,幼嫩的荚也有表达,并随着果荚的成熟而减弱,成熟的果荚、种子和根没有显示GUS活性。2、BjCHI1启动子(-1060/+17)能驱动GUS基因在转基因烟草和拟南芥中响应伤害的诱导,转基因拟南芥的分析还证明BjCHI1启动子也受MeJA、NaCl和PEG的诱导,证明BjCHI1启动子是一个伤害、MeJA、NaCl和PEG等生物和非生物因素诱导启动子。3、RT-PCR进一步证明芥菜中BjCHI1基因也受NaCl和PEG的诱导表达。4、5′-RACE法鉴定了BjCHI1启动子的转录起始位点,位于翻译起始位点ATG上游第17个碱基A.5、转基因烟草和拟南芥分析证明,-805/+17的启动子片段足以响应伤害和MeJA的诱导,-805和-409之间397 bp的启动子片段含有对伤害和MeJA诱导必要的元件。6、本明烟叶片瞬时表达系统分析证明,一段76 bp的序列(-695/-620)对BjCHI1启动子响应MeJA的诱导是必要的,但不足以响应MeJA的诱导,位于-353的T/G-box也参与MeJA的诱导。76 bp的序列(-695/-620)与T/G-box协同起作用,赋予BjCHI1启动子MeJA诱导性。
The dose-dependent experiment revealed that Id1 antagonised E47 and Ets1 mediated transcriptional activation in a dose-dependent manner. With pGL3-870 as a template, site-directed mutagenesis of E-box and / or ETS-binding site was introduced into p16 promoter. E47 could not activate the transcription of p16 promoter with E-boxes mutated, and Ets1 could not activate the transcription of p16 promoter with EBS mutated. The synergy effect between E47 and Ets1 would occur only if the E-boxes and EBS were present. These facts demonstrated that E47 and Ets1 proteins were not recruited to the promoter by binding to other cis-elements or through interaction with other protein factors, however, they bound to DNA directly through respective consensus sequences in p16 promoter.
In the present study, the unidirectional CaMV 35S promoter has been modified to a bi-directional promoter by fusing its minimal promoter element to the 5′end of CaMV 35S promoter in the opposite orientation.
- 更多网络解释 与promoter相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
摘要: 生物通报道:美国Ludwig癌症研究所(Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research,LICR)和加州大学圣地牙哥医学院的研究人员在鉴别人类基因组功能元件的研究中取得重大突破,他们发明出一种方法,可以识别和预测接通转录的"启动子"(promoter)和"增强子"(enhancer)区,
(a) "发起人"(promoter) 一词指曾是拟备招股章程工作中一方的发起人,或指曾是拟备该招股章程内载有不真实陈述的部分篇幅工作中 一方的发起人;但该词并不包括以专业身分为某些促致公司组成的人而行事者;
酒精是一种"致癌物的促进剂"(Promoter)和增强者 ,单独接受酒精不会引发肿瘤 ,酒精与口腔癌 ,喉癌 ,咽喉癌 ,食道癌 ,和肝癌有联系 ,但患者往往是烟 ,酒同好者.
萨伊不满意以前使用的"承办者"(undertaker )和"促进者"(promoter)这样的词语,于是创造了一个新的表达方式" 企业家"(entrepreneur). 萨伊在1800 年时曾经这样说过,企业家"将资源从生产力和产出较低的领域转移到生产力和产出较高的领域.
company promoter:公司发起人
对于公司发起人(Company promoter),英国1948年>(Companies Act)为了明确在募股书中错误说明的责任,曾第43条中作如下界定:发起人是指制定募股书(或其中包含部分不真实的说明)的当事人,但不包括哪些因职业关系,
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