productivity [,prəudʌk'tiviti]
- productivity的基本解释
- There have been enormous increases in agricultural productivity.
- 农业生产率已得到巨大提高。
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- Briefcase Full Of Guts
- Think Visual
- I Belong In A Factory
- Happy Little Trees
- To Bob Ross With Love
- Factory
- 拼写相近词组、短语
- productivity of labour
- 更多 网络例句 与productivity相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
As a whole,the notable characteristic of primary productivity in size-fractioned structure was that nanoplankton occupied comparatively significant advantage in Beibu Gulf.Nanoplankton has the largest contribution to gross primary productivity,and picoplankton was the secondary contributor,while microplankton the least.The contribution of microplankton for primary productivity in the north Gulf was more than that in the other waters.Nanoplankton and picoplankton contribute more to the gross primary productivity in offshore deep waters than in inshore shallow waters3.The Beibu Gulf can be divided into three ecoregions:Region-Ⅰis the ecoregion in inshore shallow waters of the north Gulf.In average,the water depth is 18m,DIN is 1.88μmol/L,DIP is 0.20μmol/L,N:P is 9.4:1,dissolved silicate is 5.17μmol/L,the Chl a conentration in surface layer is 2.27mg·m~(-3),the assimilation index in surface layer is 3.80mg/,the primary productivity is 198.78mgC/(m~2·d), and potential fishery production is estimated to be 0.24gC/(m~2·a) according to the primary productivity.The ecoregion is mainly affected by the northern coastal water systems,and may be fit for aquaculture;Region-Ⅱis the ecoregion in offshore deep waters of the north Gulf and the coastal shallow waters to the west Hainan Island.In average,the water depth is 35m,DIN is 2.01μmol/L,DIP is 0.18μmol/L,N:P is 11.2:1,disovled silicate is 4.23μmol/L,the chlorophyll a of surface layer concentration is 1.45mg·m~(-3),the assimilation index of surface layer is 4.12 mg/,the primary productivity is 276.60mgC/(m~2·d),and the estimated potential fishery production is 0.34gC/(m~2·a) according to the primary productivity. The ecoregion was mainly influenced by ocean current from the South China Sea, rivers in the west coast of Hainan Island and the water from Qiongzhou Strait.It may be fit for aquaculture and fishery;Region-Ⅲis the ecoregion in offshore deep waters of the mid and south Gulf.In average,the water depth is 75m,DIN is 0.77μmol/L, DIP is 0.15μmol/L,N:P is 5.1:1,disovled silicate is 3.05μmol/L,the chlorophyll a of surface layer concentration is 0.70mg·m~(-3),the assimilation index of surface layer averaged is 3.69mg/,the primary productivity is 350.89mgC/(m~2·d),and the estimated potential fishery production is 0.43gC/(m~2·a) according to the primary productivity.The ecoregion was mainly affected by the circulation inside Beibu Gulf, and may be fit for fishery.
初级生产力的粒级结构的一个显著特点是总体上微型浮游生物在全调查海区均占较明显优势,对总初级生产力的平均贡献最大;微微型浮游生物对初级生产力的平均贡献次之;小型浮游生物对总初级生产力的平均贡献最小;湾北部小型浮游生物对初级生产力的平均贡献高于湾中部和湾南部,而湾中部和湾南部微型和微微型浮游生物对初级生产力的平均贡献高于湾北部,远岸深水区高于近岸浅水区。3、北部湾可以分为三个生态区:湾北部近岸浅水区,该区的环境主要特点是平均水深19m,DIN浓度平均值为1.88μmol/L,DIP浓度平均值为0.20μmol/L,N:P为9.4:1,硅酸盐浓度平均值为5.17μmol/L,表层叶绿素a平均值高达2.27 mg·m~(-3),表层同化指数平均为3.80 mg/,初级生产力平均值198.78mgC/(m~2·d),根据初级生产力计算潜在渔业资源碳生产量平均为0.24 gC/(m~2·a),该区主要受湾北部沿岸水系影响,适合作为水产养殖区;湾北部深水区和海南岛西部沿岸浅水区,该区的环境主要特点是平均水深35m,DIN浓度平均值为2.01μmol/L,DIP浓度平均值为0.18μmol/L,N:P为11.2:1,硅酸盐浓度平均值为4.23μmol/L,表层叶绿素a平均值1.45 mg·m~(-3),表层同化指数平均为4.12mg/,初级生产力平均值276.60 mgC/(m~2·d),根据初级生产力计算潜在渔业资源碳生产量平均为0.34 gC/(m~2·a),该区主要受南部湾口区海流向湾内延伸,沿岸海南岛河流注入湾内和琼州海峡过道水的影响,适合作为渔业作业区和水产养殖区;湾中部和南部远岸深水区,该区的环境主要特点是平均水深75m,DIN浓度平均值为0.77μmol/L,DIP浓度平均值为0.15μmol/L,N:P为5.1:1,硅酸盐浓度平均值为3.05μmol/L,表层叶绿素a平均值0.70 mg·m~(-3),表层同化指数平均为3.69 mg/,初级生产力平均值350.89 mgC/(m~2·d),根据初级生产力计算潜在渔业资源碳生产量平均为0.43 gC/(m~2·a),该区主要受北部湾环流影响,适合作为渔业作业区。
Results show that: productivity of Chinas service industry is overall increasing and shapes inverse U curve; technical progress is the primary increase factor of service industry's productivity and technical efficiency is the key constraint of service industry's productivity increase in China; regional development of service industry productivity in China is extremely unbalanced and east region has more increase advantage comparing with middle and west region.
The transformer profession has around the world formed several groups: Ukraine grips the Bro assorted live pressure equipment plant, the year productivity 100,000,000 kilovolt amperes; Russian Togliatti Live pressure Equipment plant, year productivity 40,001,000 volt-amperes; ABB Corporation altogether has 29 live pressure equipment plants, the year productivity 0.8 - 100,000,000 kilovolt amperes; Japanese various factories (Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Hitachi, Fuji) puts together, year productivity 65,001,000 volt-amperes.
- 更多网络解释 与productivity相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
上述中国经济发展的主要特征,也成为中国乡村发展的主要思路,这样的以提高"生产率"(productivity)来发展乡村的各种思路亦成为当前中国农村的主要发展目标,也是国内外如美国传统的农地政策关注的重点(John C.
你最早在你团队中组合的人才决定了你能够取得什么样的成功; 如果你的公司越成功,就会发现有三个基本的元素(3p)在起作用,也就是性能(performance),即产品功能的差异化 、生产能力(productivity)即成本控制和可预测性(predicitability)即预算和周期;
笔者认为,它的特点可用"生产性"(productivity)来表述. 写的素质应包括各种文体,如信件、电报、议论文、日记乃至诗歌、小说等等. 一个教师或许可以教学生把语法题做得很出色,但写作是不能那么简单地教好的. 也许大家考虑过这样一个问题:为什么有的人什么都不会写,
marginal productivity:边际生产力
正因为如此,我在教育方面的专题报告或论文,都是从人力资源预算(manpower budgeting)的方法来切入,而不用当时曾经盛极一时而现在已没落的边际生产力(Marginal productivity)分析法.
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