英语人>词典>英汉 : probable error的中文,翻译,解释,例句
probable error的中文,翻译,解释,例句

probable error

probable error的基本解释

[计] 概差

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But he also figured that the concept of "range probable error" would work in his favor.


This paper analyses the effective factors and restricted methods of combustible cartridge case charge on muzzle velocity probable error.


Surface and are superimposed using a Monte Carlo technique to establish the most probable machine error fields.

提出了一种基于Monte Carlo方法的工程设计评估方法,利用统计的方法来预测误差场,为物理和工程设计提供理论依据。

I say, sire , that the minister of police is greatly deceived or I am; and as it is impossible it can be the minister of police as he has the guardianship of the safety and honor of your majesty, it is probable that I am in error


The missile has a circular error probable of 80 to 120 meters on inertial guidance alone, 30 to 50 meters when incorporating satellite guidance, they said.

导弹具有圆概率误差120米至80月,仅惯性制导、 1930年至1950年时,将卫星制导米,他们说。

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更多网络解释与probable error相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

probable error:概差

他还发明了最小乎方法并发展了观察误差理论,拉普拉斯的最大贡献是把统计学应用于天文学,并与A,M.勒让德(1752一1833)一起,把偏微分方程用于概率研究. 1815年"概差"(probable error)一调第一砍出现在F.W.贝塞(1784-1846)的著作中,他也发展了仪器误差理论.

probable error:概率误差

probability of damage 毁伤概率 | probable error 概率误差 | probable error deflection 方向概率偏差

probable error:可能误差

probability 或然率;几率 | probable error 可能误差 | probe 探针

probable error:概然误差

概率判决函数 Probability decision function | 概然误差 probable error | 干出礁 covers and uncovers rock

circular probable error:圆概率误差圆概率误差(在二维误差分布中

circular porcelain fuse box 圆瓷熔丝盒 | circular probable error 圆概率误差圆概率误差(在二维误差分布中 | circular protractor 圆分度器

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