英语人>词典>英汉 : pro rata的中文,翻译,解释,例句
pro rata的中文,翻译,解释,例句

pro rata

pro rata的基本解释

<拉>按比例, 成比例


按比例的, 成比例的

更多网络例句与pro rata相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Provided that the reduction in price is pro rata, we can go along with that.


Lian: Provided that the reduction in price is pro rata, we can go along with that.

丽安: 如果这种降价是成比例的话,我们可以同意。

If costs go up, there will be a pro rata increase in prices .


I know everything is pro rata. I didn't know what you pay out . I don't want to keep that state. I want to study english seriously. It's will as a part of my life and Iciba is the best friend for my goal come true.


I knew everything is pro rata. I didn't know what you pay out . I don't want to keep up state. I want to study English seriously. It's will as a part of my life and Iciba is the best friend for my goal comes true.


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更多网络解释与pro rata相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

pro rata:按比例分配

在今年5月份Student Accountant杂志第52页的文章一定要掌握, 文章提到出现资产减值的内部和外部要点, 以及对Cash generated units的资产减值分配, 首先要分配给确定减值的单项资产, 然后是Goodwill, 最后才是按比例分配(Pro rata)给其它单项资产,

pro rata:按比例

例如,不是先来先得,而是按比例(pro rata). 事前的防御措施也叫"驱鲨条款"(shark repellant),主要体现在公司章程中,包括股东会决议的超级多数要求、董事会决议的超级多数要求、董事任期错开(staggered board),等等. 例如:在要约收购中,

pro rata:按照比例

当合同中采用这种方式计算运费时,通常都要求船东在合同中对船舶载货重量和载货容积作出保证,如果船舶的实际载货重量和载货容积少于船东保证数量,则租船人有权按照比例(pro rata)扣减运费作为补偿.

pro rata:分期

Promulgatio 颁布 | Pro rata 分期 | Pro virili portione 人头份额

apportioned pro rata:按比例分摊

appointer 委任人 | apportioned pro rata 按比例分摊 | apportionment 分配;分摊

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