英语人>词典>英汉 : prize of honor的中文,翻译,解释,例句
prize of honor的中文,翻译,解释,例句

prize of honor

prize of honor的基本解释


更多网络例句与prize of honor相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The American president is attending the national prize of honor that an university hold to make awards the on the way situation of the rites Trump card that kills the .....conduct and actions with gun to be responsible for protecting the American importance to leader the safety exclusively especially work,beats to feel deeply self-reproach for own malpractice,with the result that anaesthetize the oneself with the alcohol all day long;A girl reporter that is responsible for reporting a this case especially discovers to look for the true fierce clues by chance,however,seem to total someone at keep watch on her movements,each provide the clues for her of all odd death of persons.


He was a soldier who won the Medal of Honor, a peacemaker who won the Nobel Prize.


Since the newly formed collective received awards are: 2000: third prize art display area, the first variety show to town, the town of Games Group Total third, Longjiang Town, an advanced school; in 2001: the guard of honor Parade Town The first, physical inspection and the town of Wei first prize, the town will be shipped the first group Total, Shunde District, a small team of advanced brigade department, the variety show area second prize, Shunde District Arts Contest "second-class Golden Phoenix Award", Shunde District, green schools, Shunde District, experimental work of outstanding schools, Shunde District Health advanced units, Longjiang Town, an advanced school; 2002: The show is the town of the first prize, first prize for the honor guard Parade town, towns, morning exercises, inspections and assessments in the first primary school students 1, the town will be shipped second group Total, literature and art show area first prize, dance, creative program "Water Village Bamboo Doll" won the primary and secondary schools, Shunde District, first prize for the variety show made the town more than 10 years of my primary and secondary schools to participate in District Arts Jiang's speech of the highest award, as well as advanced literature and art, Longjiang Town, schools, art schools, Longjiang Town, Shunde District, Wei body of advanced school, Shunde District, a school, Shunde District, an advanced school; in 2003 the town has awarded the hosting of the Games for the overall points first, dance, literary and artistic creation show the program "sweet cane greedy Doll" was the first town, the first prize.


更多网络解释与prize of honor相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Grand Prize:大奖

在"金奖"之上,还设有"荣誉勋章"(Medal of Honor)和"首席大奖"(Grand Prize). 按照中国人的常规理解,"金奖"二字意味着最高荣誉,但事实上,在巴拿马博览会的奖项设置中,直译过来的"金奖"(Gold Medal)只是排列第三类的奖项. 在"金奖"之上,

win the first prize:获得一等奖

7. receive an honor 获得荣誉 | 8. win the first prize 获得一等奖 | 9. a piece of music 一段音乐