英语人>词典>英汉 : principal value of integral的中文,翻译,解释,例句
principal value of integral的中文,翻译,解释,例句

principal value of integral

principal value of integral的基本解释


更多网络例句与principal value of integral相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For the Riemann boundary value problems for the first order elliptic systems , we translates them to equivalent singular integral equations and proves the existence of the solution to the discussed problems under some assumptions by means of generalized analytic function theory , singular integral equation theory , contract principle or generaliezed contract principle ; For the Riemann-Hilbert boundary value problems for the first order elliptic systems , we proves the problems solvable under some assumptions by means of generalized analytic function theory , Cauchy integral formula , function theoretic approaches and fixed point theorem ; the boundary element method for the Riemann-Hilbert boundary value problems for the generalized analytic function , we obtains the boundary integral equations by means of the generalized Cauchy integral formula of the generalized analytic function , introducing Cauchy principal value integration , dispersing the boundary of the area , and we obtains the solution to the problems using the boundary conditions .


The final result indicates that in the expression of the completeness relation,the integral path is along the real axis from -∞ to ∞ but runs over near the origin,which is contrary to the Cauchy principal value appearing in previous works.

同时得到展开式中的积分是沿实轴从-∞到∞,但在原点附近将从上方绕过。这不同于过去所得的C auchy主值积分。为最明确显示这一差别,在单孤子情况下又用平方Jost函数的显式,直接作了验证。

Firstly, the paper introduced the working principle and device of the two-pass grate-rotary kiln and had an analysis method of mechanics of the tyre. We have put forward the finite element analysis of the contact stress of the tyre-roller based on the whole construction mode of shell-kiln liner-large gear-tyre-roller of the rotary kiln and obtained the strength and distributing rule of the tyre's contact stress. The research shows that within one week the contact stress mainly lies in two leading peak value and catastrophe which appear at the contact zone of the tyre and supporting roller. Then we regarded the tyre's stress as the test of unknown plane stress of principal stress. Utilizing mature and modern testing technology, we raised the testing principle and scheme of tyre stress and then had a on-the-spot test of the stress. Comparing the analysis result of the test with the one calculated from the finite element analysis, it proofed the rationality of finite element analysis method of integral modeling and the correctness of the contact stress result of the tyre and roller. Finally, for two-pass of similar rotary kilns, using the ANSYS APDL re-development technology, carried on the re-development about the overall finite element analytic method of thecontact stress of tyre-roller.


更多网络解释与principal value of integral相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

principal value of integral:积分的值

principal value of argument 辐角的值 | principal value of integral 积分的值 | principal value of power 幂的值