英语人>词典>英汉 : primary forest的中文,翻译,解释,例句
primary forest的中文,翻译,解释,例句

primary forest

primary forest的基本解释


更多网络例句与primary forest相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Shannon-Wiener index and Simpson index of lichens on trucks at 0– 2.0 m height were 2.71 and 0.89 for the oak coppice, 2.43– 2.45 and 0.88– 0.89 for the secondary P. bonatii forest and Z. bungeanum plantation, and 1.25 and 0.67 for the primary forest, respectively.

树干附生地衣的 Shannon-Wiener 和 Simpson 多样性指数以栎类萌生林最高,分别为2.71和0.89;花椒林和滇山杨林次之,分别为2.43–2.45和0.88–0.89;原生林最低,为1.25和0.67。

Impacts of selective logging on Nymphalid butterflies in primary forest and forest selectively logged 15 years previously in Sabah.


However, those decreased in secondary forest dominated by Alchornea trewioides, Mallotus conspuyrcatus, Eurycorymbus cavaleriei with lower species diversity. The SOM contents in rock-soil (110 g kg-1) and soil surface microhabitat (77 g kg-1) in gentle slope decreased significantly, which were only 32% and 35% of that in primary forest, respectively; but there were not significant differences in SOM, TN and AN contents in depression between the two vegetations.

以红背山麻杆、广西野桐、伞花木等为优势种的次生林,物种多样性较原生林低,SOM、TN、AN含量也低,缓坡石土面和土面小生境的SOM分别为110 g kg-1和77 g kg-1,是原生林的32%和35%,下降幅度最大,其次为陡坡,而洼地的差异不明显。

更多网络解释与primary forest相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

primary cosmic radiation:原宇宙辐射

primary consumers 初级消费者 例如:食草动物 | primary cosmic radiation 原宇宙辐射 | primary forest 原始林; 原生林

primary succession:初級消長;初級演替

primary productivity 基礎生產力 | primary succession 初級消長;初級演替 | primeval forest 處女林;原始林

primary xylem:原始木质部

原始木质部 Primary wood | 原始木质部 Primary xylem | 原生(始)林 Primeval forest