priceless ['praislis]
- priceless的基本解释
无价的, 极贵重的
- Fred is a priceless fool.
- 弗兰特是个大傻瓜。
- You look priceless in those big trousers!
- 你穿着那条宽大的裤子看上去真滑稽!
- We saw priceless paintings at the museum.
- 我们在博物馆看到贵重的名画。
- 相似词
- priceless的反义词
- adj. valueless
- 拼写相近单词
- pricelessness
- 更多 网络例句 与priceless相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The treasure consisting of medieval works of art, including gold and silver crucifixes, rock crystal flasks, a beautiful silver receptacle for keeping and displaying sacred relics called a reliquary which was inlaid with precious stones and enamels, a liturgical ivory comb, various priceless gifts belonging to the warlords who ruled the old states of Germany in the 9th and 10th Centuries, and---perhaps the most priceless of all---a beautifully illustrated 9th Century version of the four gospels in a gold and silver binding encrusted with gold and jewels.
James said it was a la mode . Mrs. James was most kind, and lent Carrie a fan of ivory with red feathers, the value of which, she said, was priceless, as the feathers belonged to the Kachu eagle--a bird now extinct.
Next fall, put some aconite bulbs in your garden and accumulate some gold that is priceless.
- 更多网络解释 与priceless相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
结果,正如那位士兵般,将无价的(priceless)的救恩--神预备我们永恒的价值(value),完全丢弃了. 华人寻找福气的心愿,犹如三十几年前来买春联的眼神,可惜的是,三十几年来,近视越来越深,越来不明白,要寻求福气,就不能单单把一切的蛋,
以>(Priceless)一片掳获众多女性芳心的憨厚纯情男盖德艾麦汉(Gad Elmaleh),近年来红透了半边天,不但从小萤幕爆红到大银幕,还偏偏所有的演出只要有他参与,票房铁定大卖,让他瞬间成了众制作公司及媒体的宠儿.
贡献:开启了情感营销的先河,后来者如耐克主张"想做就做"(Just Do It),万事达卡诉求"万事皆可达,唯有情无价"(Priceless). 万宝路牛仔 背景:很难想象,几十年前万宝路竟然是一种女士过滤嘴香烟. 1955年,当李奥贝纳广告公司接手这个品牌时,
周六值班时没事,看了这部法国浪漫喜剧片.一个是面相老实却很聪明的酒店服务员,另一个是美丽动人专傍大款的物质女孩,他俩擦出的火花真是很有意思.就不透露具体内容了,自己去看吧 >(Priceless)强烈推荐.
Priceless Beauty:痴心梦美人(麻雀变凤凰)
Pretty to Pink 青春红粉梦 1986 | Priceless Beauty 痴心梦美人(麻雀变凤凰) 1991 | Prick Up Your Ears 留心那话儿 1989
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